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8:19 PM, Friday June 12th 2020

Hello and congrats on finishing lesson 1. I'll be handling your critique today. Starting with your superimposed lines, these are looking pretty good. These seem quite confident. Moving onto your ghosted lines. These are decent however I am already seeing some areas where you are redrawing lines and it is showing up in your later homework pages as well. One of the core principals of the drawabox lessons is that you ghost your lines multiple times and then commit. Even if your result is a line that is slightly off it's better to live with your mistake then to try and redraw the line as most of the times you just end up making your drawing even more confusing. So one of the big takeaways I want you to get from this critique is to stop redrawing your lines when you think your initial line is wrong. This issue is much more prevalent in your ghosted planes and although some of them are looking quite nice to get the most out of these lessons it's best to follow the instructions completely and that means don't redraw your lines. You can start adding lineweight later on but that's not the same thing as trying to correct a bad line.

Moving onto your ellipses, these tables of ellipses are looking pretty good. You are drawing through all of your ellipses and maintaining a nice shape while staying fairly accurate. There's lot of room for improvement here so keep practicing those ellipses in your warmups. Your ellipses in planes and funnel ellipses are looking pretty good as well. You have a tendency to draw through a bit too many times on some of these. Always draw through your ellipses but try and keep it to 2 - 3 times max. I'm seeing a tendency for you to draw through 3 - 4 times a lot and it's a bit much and you are losing a bit of accuracy in the process.

Your plotted perspective page looks great. Looking at your rough perspective I'm seeing a few issues here. There's noticeably more wobble in these which makes me think you might not be ghosting enough and you are redrawing lines sometimes which as I said is something you need to try and not do for these lessons. That said I'm glad you extended your lines on your boxes to check your work and you can see how off your perspective estimations were on some of these.

Now your rotated box exercise looks really excellent. You appear to have a very good spatial sense already and you are doing a great job keeping your gaps nice and consistent. Looking at your organic perspective homework these are pretty good although your redrawing and correcting lines problem is showing up a lot more here as well. All said this was a really great submission and I'm giving you the okay to move on the 250 box challenge. I would work on adding more ghosted lines and planes into your warmups just so you get more used to ghosting and committing to lines.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
9:43 PM, Friday June 12th 2020

Thank you sir, I totally agree with my tendencies of going over the line again and again , to correct it, but the now i will focus more on ghosted lines and planes and i will try to master the boxes now.

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The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

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