Lines are pretty good in general, you do have a bit of wobbly and arching at times, but just in a few of them, keep focusing on confidence and accuracy will come with practice. For the arching lines, check if you're drawing with your shoulder, as working with your elbow/wrist can cause this, and trying to arch your lines in the opposite direction can help as well.

Ellipses are pretty confident and smooth in general too, you do have a bit of wobble in some of them, so don't forget you should prioritize confidence over accuracy on those too, but overall pretty good job. On the funnels, the minor axis has to cut the ellipses in 2 identical halves, and some of yours are shifting a bit, but you seem to be aware of it, so no worries.

Good job on boxes too in general, though I want to point out some things.

-Don't repeat lines, no matter how off they are, keep going as if they'd been correct, as correcting them will only make the drawing more messy.

-On rough perspective, height lines need to be perpendicular to the horizon line, and width lines parallel to it. I know it's hard, but be sure you keep it in mind while attempting the exercise.

-And lastly on organic perspective, you do have some overshoots in some lines, which hints me you might not be plotting your lines, don't forget to start a line by drawing starting and ending dots, and then ghosting it until you're confident. On this exercise as well, I recommend trying more overlaps. Perspective on the boxes have divergences, but no worries as you'll work on it on the box challenge