Drawing Prompt: Fantasy Ice Cream Cart

1:05 AM, Friday July 1st 2022

Prompt 7: Fantasy icecream truck - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/OmEg23U.jpg

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This submission was done for the Fantasy Ice Cream Cart drawing prompt. Check out more submissions here!

First, the vendor grabs a cone from the compartment and places it on the conveyor belt. It's magic, so the cone doesn't tip over. Next, a floating bucket of cream, ahem, pours into the cone. The cone moves along to a floating/rotating flavour-lender which drops a couple, um, drops(?) into the cream; the cream is subsequently whipped to a softserve by a floating whisk, because magic. If you want a hard icecream, an ice gremlin (don't worry, they're paid very well) will breathe on your scoop to cool it. Ta-da!!

Oh, and there's no toppings on your icecreams. Not because you can't get them, but because I forgot to add that feature and I'm too lazy to reupload the image :'D

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Sketching: The Basics

Sketching: The Basics

A lot of folks have heard about Scott Robertson's "How to Draw" - it's basically a classic at this point, and deservedly so. It's also a book that a lot of people struggle with, for the simple reason that they expect it to be a manual or a lesson plan explaining, well... how to draw. It's a reasonable assumption, but I've found that book to be more of a reference book - like an encyclopedia for perspective problems, more useful to people who already have a good basis in perspective.

Sketching: The Basics is a far better choice for beginners. It's more digestible, and while it introduces a lot of similar concepts, it does so in a manner more suited to those earlier in their studies.

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