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1:50 AM, Saturday June 20th 2020

Hi and congrats on finishing lesson 1. I'll be taking a look at your work today. So starting with your superimposed lines these turned out okay. You are doing a good job keeping a definite starting point but you are having some real tapering issues on everything that is longer than a short line. So I would definitely keep these as part of your warmups for a while. Good job drawing with confidence and minimal wobble though. Moving onto your ghosted lines these were decent as well. You are getting confident smooth lines for the most part but your accuracy could still use some work. Make sure you are ghosting every line you make during these lessons. Moving onto your ghosted planes these feel a bit rushed. Also I think another problem you caused for yourself is packing so many onto one page. You are getting some real arcing problems with your lines here. Remember ghosting is key.

Looking at your table of ellipses these started off pretty rough. You are doing a good job drawing through all of your ellipses but you were really destroying the integrity of your ellipse shapes as you drew through. Ghosting usually helps alleviate this so make sure you are ghosting all of your ellipses multiple times as well. I did see some improvement with the second page so good job there. Now your ellipses in planes and funnels are less successful. These really feel like you didn't ghost enough and rushed through them a bit. Your ellipses in funnels are also tiltiing and going off the minor axis a lot. Please check the lesson notes here.

Plotted perspective looks good nothing to say here really. Your rough perspective boxes turned out pretty well for the most part. I am see some more wobbly and arcing lines here so make sure you keep up your ghosting. Good job extending your boxes back and checking your work as well. I'm noticing that you are extremely loose with your hatching which is something you should really work on. Hatching is not something that should be done quickly until you have A LOT of experience drawing. It's gonna be slow and tedious at first until you build up a lot of muscle memory so I would recommend you slow down and take your time when you do it. The way you are doing it now just looks very sloppy and makes your work look very rushed. Also when you are hatching across the plane of a box you want to the lines to be straight and not arcing like you are doing on some of these. The arcing confuses the viewer as to the nature of the form they are looking at when the surface is supposed to be flat.

Your rotated box exercise turned out okay for the most part. You did a nice job drawing through your boxes and kept your gaps narrow and consistent. You were still struggling thinking through some of the spatial issues presented here which is completely normal. You were also making a common beginner mistake of not actually rotating all of your boxes and instead simply moving them back in perspective. Please check the lesson notes here.

Finally, your organic boxes came out okay. Your line work here is pretty good for the most part but you are struggling quite a bit with your box convergences. Luckily you will work on this a lot as you go through the 250 box challenge. However, I still feel like your ellipses could use some work and since your ellipses in planes page and ellipses in funnels page look a bit rushed to me I want you to do one more of each of those. I really want you to take your time and ghost your lines and ellipses multiple times as you do these and keep up with drawing through those ellipses.

Next Steps:

One more page Ellipses in Planes and Ellipses in Funnels. Take your time and ghost.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
3:37 AM, Sunday June 21st 2020

thank you very much for the feedback, I think i got the elipses in the plains after what you said, but i have a strong feeling that i do not fully grasp the funnels, idk if its bc im not landing my intersecting lines correctly or what, but heres the link

4:05 AM, Sunday June 21st 2020

Your ellipses in planes are definitely improved but you are still struggling with the funnels like you said. I would recommend that you read that entire section of the lesson again and do them as warmups for a while. I'm going to mark this lesson as complete and good luck on the 250 box challenge.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
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Marco Bucci's Getting Started with Digital Painting

Marco Bucci's Getting Started with Digital Painting

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