Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
12:21 PM, Tuesday February 8th 2022
Hello ! :)
I have juste finished the homework assigned for this lesson and I already feel like I learned some concepts along the way, it's a great feeling ! Can't wait to go further with all this material :D
Back to the homework submission, I felt that I have issue in both the confidence and the accuracy of the ellipses section since they tend to be kinda wobbly and not even at all even though I ghosted through all of them several times... I really hope that will improve with practice :)
For the boxes section, while the plotted perspective is looking nice and sharp, the ones done without the help of a ruler are not looking that great and while looking back at them, it seems that I have issues with the point that are farther from the viewer.
I hope that you can help me point all the mistakes I made so that they can be improved upon thanks to your advices :)
Thank you for your time !