1. Lines

    a.Super imposed lines

    All in all pretty good. You kept fraying on one side and most of them had confident lines, though in some of them I see a bit of a wobble near the middle to end parts most likely from you trying to hit the end point accurately. Don't worry too much about being accurate with your lines right now, It's more important that you can draw a smooth, straight line confidently even if it doesn't hit the correct points

    b.Ghosted Lines

    Also good! For these your lines were pretty confident and hit the end point quite nicely. I do notice a very slight bit of arcing in the lines that can easily be fixed with a bit of practice. A good way to counteract arcing is subconsciously arcing in the opposite direction, I don't know if i explained that correctly so feel free to ask questions about that. Also make sure not to repeat lines, I'm not completely sure whether those were strokes done on accident or not but always be sure to only draw one line even if it doesn't look good.


    Your planes were also pretty good. Pretty confident lines also with very minor wobbles so just be sure to watch out for those.

    Summary: First section was nice. I know I pointed out the wobbles a lot but don't worry if you cant eliminate them immediately, they'll get better the more you practice. Also try out the arcing in the opposite direction technique and be sure to ask if you don't fully understand it. I'll try to explain it to the best of my abilities


a.Ellipses in planes

    You fit them quite nicely in the planes and they are drawn confidently for the most part. There are a few that are wobbly and don't fit all four sides so just watch out for that but always prioritize confidently drawn ellipses over them being accurately fitted

    b.Ellipses in tables

        Also good, just be sure to watch out for things I have already said (wobbliness, confident lines, etc...)

    c. Ellipses in funnels

        Good as well, A bit of slanting but its nothing too major
  1. Boxes

    a. Plotted perspective

    Great! Your first set of boxes aren't drawn through but you correct that in the later boxes. The vertical lines are a slanting a bit but it's nothing major just something to look out for when drawing in two point.

    b.Rough perspective

    Not much to nitpick except to keep the horizontal lines of your boxes parallel to your horizon and your vertical lines of your boxes perpendicular to it. As always be sure to keep in mind what was said about lines earlier.
    c. Rotated boxes
        Well done! If this is your first try doing this it is pretty good. Not much else to say about it. There are a few mistakes but It's a hard exercise and you'll be able to fix those mistakes as you learn and practice more
        d. Organic Perspective
            Also really good. If you see any mistakes don't worry to much about them as you'll be able to fix them during the 250 box challenge.
            All in all very good. Your work was very consistent and I believe you'll be able to perfect these skills once you do the 250 box challenge. You have a long road ahead of you so don't worry if you don't see improvement immedietely. Take your time and have fun.