Hello litmusik!

Lines - Superimposed lines look good, just make sure they only fray on one side. For ghosted lines, I think your next steps should be to practice longer lines, lines that are about the width of page or longer. I say this because it will require you to use your shoulder, and will build confidence. For ghosted lines and planes, I think your lines have accurate trajectories, which is good, but you may want to focus on creating smooth and straight marks. My advice is to make sure to ghost and draw quickly, and over time you will gain dexterity and muscle memory in your arm. I see some lines are really straight and look excellent, so I know with practice all your lines will look like these.

Ellipses - Your marks are really smooth and confident, so the next thing for you to focus on is accuracy (staying within bounds). Ghost several times to make sure you are within bounds, and then place your ellipse. Many of your ellipses are pretty loose as well. I think this just improves with practice. If you notice your ellipse is very inaccurate while you are drawing it I would just follow through with it instead of trying to correct and making a very loose ellipse. On the funnels, for the most part, your ellipses have the minor axes aligned very nicely! I think you should try varying the degree as mentioned in the lesson, and trying this exercise with the lines coming out of a corner.

Boxes - For the plotted perspective, it's recommended you ghost in the hatching lines instead of using a ruler. This is true in the 250 box challenge as well. On rotated boxes, good job changing the vanishing point appropriately and with drawing through all your boxes! Looks very nice. On organic perspective, I would vary the shape of your boxes and their initial Y's for extra practice. I honestly think this exercise looks really nice.

Good job completing the first lesson, and good luck moving forward!

Critiquing guide