Starting off with the Superimposed lines it does seem like you need to do more planning on the ones you're going to do. I'm seeing more medium sized lines but very few shorter lines, in the future do practice this exercise with more than just 1 line size as the majority as it helps you gain more mileage equally. As for the lines themselves, the lines themselves do start out on the dots as they should but very few reach the target. This is ok as its bound to happen for the first exercise. One thing I do see is that your lines are arcing and some are wobbly which is the result of not ghosting enough/lack of shoulder useage. Keep in mind, that while its ok to not hit your mark at this time, you do want to have confident lines. In the second page, its less chaotic and more controlled, the lines do seem to be more confident than the first so there is improvement.

Your ghosted lines have its in and outs, some arcing, some a bit wobbly and some that are confident. As said before, ghost more and use your shoulder, take your time and make sure not rush!

You made good job to fill the pages with planes, but there seems to be rarely any ghosting going on on the first page indicated by the wobbly lines. While mistakes are frustrating, dont try to correct as it creates a habit of low confidence. In the second page the lines are way more confident andn while some arc, its an improvement to the first.

Your table of ellipses look great, you made sure to overlap at least 2 times for each. Some of the ellipses do have wierd shapes so do keep in mind to ghost. Make sure to try to use your shoulder for even the small ellipses. The second page seems to have less confidence than the first? (maybe you uploaded second to first page) Just remember to keep ghosting.

Your ellipses in Planes have good accuracy and actually seem to go where there supposed to go. The only problem is the lack on consistentcy in the overlaps which again comes through ghosting and mileage.

Your funnels looks great, just be sure to experiement with more dramatic degree shifts as Im seeing very little to none on most of the funnels.

Your plotted persepctive looks spot on, only thing i can say is to not fill the inner lines of the boxes seen on the last page. Only darken the outer lines as doing so in the inside kills the illusion of 3d space.

Your rough perspective has some questionally wobbly lines, either because you werent ghosting or just rushing. Your lines do seem to converge very close to the dots which is great. A good way to "predict" where the lines are going before you put them down is to ghost toward the VP and place a dot in that direction as the box sees fit. You do experiement with box length and sizes so overall its great.

The rotated boxes are a bit small but they look very clean. You are drawing through all the boxes as instructed. On the 3 point perspective boxes, the convergences do get a little messed up, make sure to plan out the perspective of these boxes before actually drawing them.

The two pages of your organic persepctive boxes exercise seem very scratchy and the majority of all the lines seem like you need to be using your shoulder more as the lines themself dont look unconfident. The perspective is alright and you do seem have a understanding of how it works.

Overall, this is a great lesson one, in which I see improvement in. Keep in mind to keep ghosting and use your shoulder as much as you can. You do struggle in line confidence and your understanding of perspective is decent, something that the 250 box challenge will definetly increase! Make sure to take your time and not to rush! :)