Hi there, I'll be looking at your work today.

Organic Arrows

  • The rate of expansion/compression as the arrow moves towards/away from the viewer is done correctly.

  • There are significant line confidence issues. Just like the straight lines from lesson 1, these should be done from the shoulder, and should have a smooth and continuous motion.

  • Some of the line weight on the overlapping areas is missing, most notably from the second page.

Organic Forms

  • The ellipses in the first page are not done confidently, shown in the wobbly and mismatched ellipses. Consider re-visting the first lesson's section on ellipses.

  • The organic forms on the first page are a little bulged in the middle. Ideally, the width is consistent between the two ends.

    • Meanwhile, the organic forms on the second page are much better. Assuming you did the contour ellipses exercise first, this is great improvement.
  • The contour lines are done very well, good work there.

Texture Analysis

  • This section is done very well.

  • A small issue in the cast shadows on the second texture (the tree) is the transition. The way it is done makes the transition from the moderately lit area to the heavily lit area makes it look very jarring.


  • This section is also done very well.

  • Some of the texture cast shadows are done using lines that don't fully convey the illumination at the center. This is related to the previously mentioned issue in the texture analysis section.

Form Intersections

  • The overall compositions are well done, as the forms all appear to be in the same scene.

  • There are some issues with ellipses as previously discussed. This causes the cylinders to sometimes look like they're foreshortening too much or too little, and detracts from the overall cohesiveness of 3D objects that this lesson is trying to teach.

  • The boxes (and pyramids) have some issues with overshooting lines.

  • Some of the hatching is messy. This causes the cones in particular to look off.

Organic Intersections

  • The shadows of the first page are not always wrapping around the forms correctly. The second page largely addresses this, but the shapes of the shadows there don't always reflect the form that casts it. Consider the contour lines on the form when adding the shadows.

  • The forms look like they're unsupported, especially in the second page. This causes a few missed opportunities to cast shadows and consider how forms intersect. It may help to think of them like water balloons.

Overall, I think this is done. There will be a few exercises involving ellipses coming up, so there will be lots of time to practice.