Hey there, I'm Meta and I'll be your TA today, so let's get started.


Starting with your superimposed lines, you're doing a pretty good job of lining your pen up with the starting point and keeping these confident. This confidence carries over into your ghosted lines and planes as well, which is great to see. There is a small amount of arcing present there and this section provides some insight into this and how to work towards correcting it.


Your tables of ellipses are fairly confident - the second page being a big improvement over the first. It's good to see you are drawing through your ellipses 2-3 times as required and varying the shape and size of the ellipses you're drawing. Make sure you're aiming to keep them butted up nice and tight against one another as this gives you a concrete goal to aim for when doing this exercise. Next, your ellipses in planes are confident for the most part but there are places where I can see that you're allowing your desire for accuracy to override the need for confidence which ends up deforming your ellipses in order to meet the confines of the plane. Remember that at this stage we're aiming for confident line work and as long as we're conscious of what we're aiming for with our marks, accuracy will come with practice. Finally, your funnels are mostly aligning to the minor axis though there are a few places where they skew off significantly and where your line confidence falters a little, so make sure you continue to practice these things in your warm-ups.


Your rough perspective exercise is looking pretty good - you've done a good job keeping the horizontals parallel and verticals perpendicular to the horizon line and you've correctly applied the error checking method. Your line confidence did falter a little here, which is pretty normal - just make sure you're giving each and every line of the box the amount of time and attention as it deserves, also try not to go over lines when you make a mistake as this tends to both highlight the mistake and tend to be lines that are not planned/ghosted in the appropriate way. You've given the rotated boxes a good try - you're keeping the gaps between the boxes tight and consistent and they are rotated pretty well, particularly on the left and right hand sides of the central box. Finally, you're getting a good amount of variation in the size and rotation of your boxes in the organic perspective exercise which is starting to create a sense of depth in each frame. The boxes themselves are diverging a little in places however this exercise is simply an introduction to the concepts you'll explore in depth in the 250 box challenge.