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7:34 PM, Sunday July 31st 2022

Hey Owl! I am paperhat and I will be doing your lesson 1 critique.

My critique will be divided into three sections:


  • Super-imposed lines: Your lines are looking confident and not wobbly. That is great! There is also only fraying on one end and not on both. On your first page this fraying is a lot, however, your second page is already much better. So you have already improved a lot in only one exercise! Some of your longer lines are slightly arching. Arching might happen if you are not using your shoulder pivot. However, it might also happen if you use your shoulder pivot. In that case try to consciously arch in the opposite direction. Try to pay close attention on which pivot your are using.

  • Ghosted Lines: Your lines are mostly confident looking here as well. However, there are some lines where it appears that you tried to correct the lines in order to reach the desired end point, resulting in some lines making s-curves or arching. It is natural that one might want to do so, but a confident line that is not accurate is always better than a non-confident accurate one.

  • Ghosted Planes: Your lines are again confident looking and also quite accurate. You also remembered to always make a dot for each starting and end point. Great work!


  • Tables Of Ellipses: Your ellipses are nicely touching and repeated two to three times, that is perfect! (For future reference: two times is preferred) Some are over/undershooting a little, but that is perfectly fine. The ellipses also look very smooth (confident), which is great! One thing you should do when you use this exercise during your warm-ups is to not only change the degree of the ellipse itself (how wide it is), but also its degree relative to the borders. You also did not include a lot of different angles for your ellipses, most of them are quite wide. Try narrow ones as well!

  • Ellipses in Planes: The ellipses are again quite smooth and confidently drawn. Sometimes the overshoot, but that is totally fine and will get better with more practice.

  • Funnels: You placed the minor axis correctly, cutting the ellipses in two halves! You missed two draw through one of your ellipses twice (left upper corner funnel). Most of your ellipses look confident and do not overshoot too much. One thing to note: Some of your funnels have an ellipses on the middle line diving the funnel into a left and a right half. This is not how it is supposed to be, the line in the middle is an ellipses itself. The ellipses you draw into the funnel should be kind of mirrored at this axis. This mistake might have happened because you did not change the degree of the ellipses much, try taht when using this exercise as a warm-up.


  • Plotted Perspective: You draw through your boxes which is very good. Your hatching looks neat and orderly.

  • Rough Perspective: You draw through all your boxes and use the line correction method. Some of your lines are not as confident as they should be and have a little wobble to them or are making an s-shape. For drawing boxes the same thing holds as for drawing just lines: confidence over accuracy. All in all this looks good though, you are also not extremely far from hitting the vanishing point, this will also just get better with time (especially after doing 250 boxes :D)

  • Rotated Boxes: : THis looks really good! You keep the corners between boxes close and tried to rotate the boxes very well. Your hatching and lineweight are neat and make your boxes pop. Good job!

  • Organic Perspective: : Here your lines are loosing a bit of accuracy, but that is fine as they are mostly confidently drawn. You used different sizes of boxes and angles, which is great. You also tried overlapping some boxes. One problem I can see you having with this exercise is the lineweight. Your lineweight is not really neat and looks more scratchy, which lets your work appear a bit more messy. When applying lineweight be sure to always ghost those lines as well, that is crucial! In the middle third on the second page there is also one other mistake that ruins the 3d illusion a bit. Here you applied linweight to a (somewhat) small box that should be behind the big box in the front, however, the lineweight let's us believe the smaller box is in front. Overall this is good though!

You have done great work here! The main points you should work on are apllying neat lineweight and practicing different ellipses (you will need them!). The ellipses part you will work on during your warm-ups , as for the lineweight you can try this is the next challenge which I will move you onto! 250 boxes are welcoming you!

Next Steps:

  • 250 box challenge

  • Get 2 agrees on this or on another critique in order to get your cool badge

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
6:22 PM, Monday August 1st 2022

Thank you for the critique. It was really helpful and there's a lot of stuff here I would never have noticed. I'll be sure to keep this advice in mind going forward, especially the parts about lineweight and ellipse angles.

8:42 PM, Monday August 1st 2022

Happy I could help!

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The Art of Brom

The Art of Brom

Here we're getting into the subjective - Gerald Brom is one of my favourite artists (and a pretty fantastic novelist!). That said, if I recommended art books just for the beautiful images contained therein, my list of recommendations would be miles long.

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