Gesture drawings (2 min)

5:12 PM, Wednesday October 25th 2023

2min Gesture drawings - Malcress - Album on Imgur

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Along with Drawabox I've been working on my human anatomy and started with 2min gestures to properly ease into the flow and, most of all, draw as many as possible as I used to do like 3 figures that took ages and I felt bad for not doing more as I focused on structure and details way too much for my current ability. I've been at it for 2 weeks and I feel I've already improved a lot in proportions, motion and even structure (now I actually enjoy drawing feet and shoes, for example!). It's a great "counter-attack" after a Drawabox session as I don't have to be as technical and angular. However, thanks to Drawabox my lines are so much more confident and accurate, so I don't have to worry about scratchy lines anymore. It's a wonderful feeling for which I'm thankful towards Drawabox! Now to add the non-study art activities into my daily routine as well.

I'd love to hear some feedback or if you know of any forums/groups or Discord servers specializing in human anatomy, I'd love to know! (I've already posted it into the Drawabox server btw)

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How to Draw by Scott Robertson

How to Draw by Scott Robertson

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