Hello! I hope you're having a great day here to critqiue your lesson 1. I'm not sure but is this pen and paper? I think it's digital but I'm not sure if it is digital please stick to the reccomendations now.


-It feels like you have fraying on both ends in some cases please take your time there in future practice sessions

  • I noticed one line has an arc and some are wobbly but in my experience practice usually fixes it


-You did pretty great on elipses, better than me. Though your elipses get out a bit during the elipses in planes exercise

-One of the elipses feel a bit broken (the top of the left one), smoothness over accuracy

-The funnels' elipses aren't split into two halves by the minor axis and instead angled the (middle and moreso the right one) I tried to get over it by imagining the area where my elipse met with the minor axis as the most bulky bit of it as it goes down, like a hill


-Rotated boxes have a large gap making the job generally harder. Please keep all of them close

-A few of your boxes taper on the side at the back of the box in the rough perspective exercise not being parallel nor perpendicular

That's all I wanted to say all in all you did pretty well in elipses though I reccomend practicing with the ghosting meathod more and if you are on digital please go onto pen and paper if you can