Hi, XTRAZ. Congrats on completing the 250 box challenge. Here's my critique:

  • The inner corner is sometimes off making the lines not always converge to a single point but its a common mistake and if you carefully plan each line and where they converge you'll see this problem disappear in the future.

  • I recommend using more line weight in lines so the box feels more present and doesn't get drowned by the colored ones.

  • Remember to always take your time when ghosting and the executing the lines with confidence. Each line is a unit of work so you should plan and take your time with every single one so you don't rush them and they dont end up with wobble.

  • Try do add more variation with the vanishing point like making it be closer to the box you are drawing to see different type of boxes. Still, most of them vary in size and shape so good job!!

I've marked this as complete. Good luck on lesson 2!