Hi! I am Feldspar and I will be critiquing you work today. I hope you've been keeping up with your 50% rule and warmups while waiting! Lets begin!


  • Superimposed Lines: I don't see fraying on both sides nor wobbling. Good job!

  • Ghosted Lines: I don't see you ghosted lines page in your album. I suggest you just forgot to post it and i want you to send it as a revision.

  • Ghosted Planes: Solid planes! Don't forget confidence beats accurate!


  • Tables of Ellipses: Ellipses need to have two borders that encase them, to check their accuracy, but some of ellipses "float" on the page without any targets. Also try to keep ellipses in the similar row in similar orientation as much as possible. I recommend to re-consume the material again and follow the instructions before doing it through warmups. You may check out ScyllaStew's video

  • Ellipses in Planes: Some of the ellipses are wobbling and egg-shaped but i see you trying to put them snugly agains all borders and they are confident so this is the matter of some warmups. Don't forget confidence beats accurate!

  • Funnels: Solid funnels all i can say.


  • Plotted Perspective: Nothing to add here.

  • Rough Perspective: I also noticed your line confidence took a big hit, remember, confidence beats accuracy! Confident but inaccurate line > Accurate but wobbly line.

  • Rotated Boxes: You have a eye for rotations! Solid job. Although I suggest you choose to start from small box in the middle and it made difficult to navigate through boxes especially within corners. So you are missing the four corner boxes and some edges. I want you to draw, finish them and send it to me (Not a re-do, just finish the remaining boxes) or start from scratch and make one new corner but with the bigger boxes.

  • Organic Perspective: I notice most of boxes extended the wrong way. Boxes are generally the same size. This may constitute a re-do, but I'm not gonna reassign this again, as I believe with 250 Boxes Challenge instructions, you will understand and get better with organic boxes too. I HIGHLY recommend reconsuming the material/ScyllaStew's videos before attempting Organic Boxes for warmup.