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2 users agree
4:32 AM, Thursday July 21st 2022


++ good, confident lines

++ really nice lines in ghosted planes


+++ nice confident ellipses throughout!

++ ellipses are all drawn through 2-3 times, nice

  • 1 area in ellipses-in-planes page (5th image) was not filled with ellipses in planes - it has a couple of arcs like a sphere...?

  • second funnels page had a few funnels with the border arcs redrawn over themselves. Although these are part of the construction before you draw ellipses, please just draw them once to make expectations clear when you draw and when others critique

++ for funnels, center line was nicely parallel to the ellipses' minor axes

  • for funnel arcs construction, the center line wasn't evenly placed between the two arcs. Although these are part of the construction before you draw ellipses, it might help you as the artist to use a ruler to mark two dots equally distant from the center line, and then draw the arcs.

  • in ellipses in tables page, please use pen, not pencil, for all drawings. Felt-tip is preferred.


++ rotated boxes are rotated nicely!

  • in rough perspective, please draw the correction lines to the horizon in a different color for all panels

  • in rough perspective drawings, when drawing a line over a previous line to emphasize the outline, ghost your lines and draw confidently. Some thick outlines seem a bit wobbly or were redrawn a few times.

-- rotated boxes should not have repeated lines

-- organic perspective should not have repeated lines

-- organic perspective boxes should increase in size along the line, as if one end of the line is far away and the other end is close. Your boxes seem to be about the same size -- or perhaps wavering between slightly nearer and farther.

-- organic perspective should have several panels per page, not just one.

-- rotated boxes' corners should be very close to each other. Your boxes are expanding out, possibly to make them easier to see, but that wasn't part of the exercise.

Overall, you seem to have a really good sense of box orientation from your rotated boxes, and your confident lines and ellipses show you have the key line and ellipse practices down.

I'm marking this complete.

Optionally, for your own practice: consider redoing the organic perspectives activity to use 3 panels or so per page, with the boxes gradually increasing in size along the line, and no repeated lines. I think perhaps you read through some of the exercises a bit too quickly and missed details of how to execute them. Eagerness is good, but the details are there to help you (and to help the reviewer judge fairly).

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
4:34 PM, Wednesday August 31st 2022

Heya, thanks for stopping by and giving a critique! I'm sorry for the late reply, I wasn't sure I had anything to say other than thank you.

For the eagerness part I do agree on that one, I was probably just trying to speedrunning it back then lol since I had school coming up.

Again, sorry for the late reply and thank you for taking the time and giving a critique!

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Color and Light by James Gurney

Color and Light by James Gurney

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