Hello I’ll be handling the critique for your lesson 1 homework.


-You want to try the superimposed lines again, using the ghostig method, you will have to use this method for every mark you will draw on this course, and it also gets you thinking before putting pen on the paper which is basically one of the main things you want to learn. Anyways, you can do that in your future practices.I can see that you have always started at a clearly defined point and kept all of the wavering on one side, your lines are also drawn with a good deal of confidence. Lastly we have the expected fraying at the ends but this tends to disappear with more practice.

-Moving on to the ghosted lines these are also drawn with confidence and follow a consistent trajectory even if they are going to miss the ending dot which is exactly what we are looking for. I do notice that your lines tend to arch slightly, but it is barely noticeable and you will get better with mileage.

-The ghosted planes are no different from the ghosted lines, here you are also doing a great job committing to your marks.


-The tables of ellipses are looking tidy rather than rushed, and I can see that you have kept in mind the degree, angle, spacing and alignment of your ellipses. Main thing here is that some of them are turning out quite uneven, always aiming to draw symmetrical elliptical shapes with well rounded ends.

-Your ellipses in planes are confident but sometimes they end up quite distorted, You might be thinking that the center of the ellipses is the same as the center of the planes or that you should modify the elliptical ellipse shape so it touches the contact points, but this is not the case. Ellipses have to be symmetrical and have the same shape regardless of where they are, so the only things you can change is how wide the ellipse is and which position it is in.

-The ellipses on the funnels are turning out nicely and it is great to see that they have not stiffened, they are fitting snugly within the boundaries and you are also doing a great job when it comes to the alignment as they are cut into equal halves by the minor axis. There are some things that need more work, like you have some uneven ellipses, but I am sure you will improve with practice.


-On the rough perspective your linework is looking confident, which has definitely helped your boxes look more solid and believable, you only need to keep working on the alignment, remember that each horizontal line should be parallel to the horizon and every vertical one should be perpendicular to it, you clearly have some edges tilting off. You are doing a good job estimating your mistakes and you will get better with mileage.

-On the rotated boxes you drew more boxes than necessary, you should fit 5 boxes per each row/column, there is no need to make this exercise more complicated than what it already is.Even then, I think you grasped the point of this exercise, as you kept the gaps between boxes narrow and consistent and you are clearly thinking about the rotation. One thing that can help you is to give plenty of room to your drawings, this way it will be easier to ghost and draw your marks, and you will also have an easier time thinking about the rotation.

-Finishing with the organic perspective, you are doing a great job using the ghosting method to draw confident lines, and you are already making good attempts at the perspective of the boxes. To conclude, remember you can add lineweight to the parts of outer lines that overlap with other boxes to clarify which ones are on top and which behind, so give it a try next attempt you have at the exercise.

Nice work on this lesson!!, I’ll go ahead and mark it as complete, keep practicing these exercises on your warm up routines and now you can move on to the box challenge.