Good evening!

Overall, this is a very good submission! Especially your Texture Analysis and Dissections are great, I found no remarks whatsoever on these (but maybe someone else will, if pressed?). Moving on.

Organic Arrows look great, too. You diminish the size of the curves, as well as making the distance between the turning curves shorter, like one should. Your lines are confident, made in one stroke, and I don't see any criminal wobbling. If anything, the shading lines could be more dense closer to the viewer.

There is some work to be done on your Organic Forms with contour Lines. Your ellipses are dangerously close to being all of the same degree. Try to really exaggerate the difference between the two ends of the sausage. If it's hard, start with the part that is perpendicular to the viewer, which usually is the middle of the sausage in this exercise (extremely narrow degree, or, just a line). Then, draw the extreme ends, where the sausage is more towards or away from the viewer (broad degrees, almost perfectly circular). Also, pay attention here that the ellipses reach all the way to the edge of the sausage form. I'd like a small revision here, just three sausages where you try this out is enough, before I can mark this Lesson as complete.

The Form Intersections is a hard exercise because it's easy to fall into the hole where you start to focus on the intersections more than the shapes. You managed this great, since your shapes are mostly the same size and nicely grouped. If anything, I'd try to use three-point perspective more, especially for the first page of boxes. If you haven't done the 250 Boxes Challenge already, now's the time. If you have, then you should know that your boxes would look even better in three-point perspective and actually help you organize the shapes to see where and how the intersections happen (but not too dramatic!).

Lastly, I really like your "sausage organization" in the Organic Intersections. If anything, I advise you to try doing larger cast shadows, so that you force yourself to think about how they wrap on the sausage below. Make sure to try this when you revisit this exercise as a warm-up.