Hi! ill go ahead and critique your submission, I hope to be usefull


    Superimposed Lines: These lines are very good, and you show some good progress through the repetitions, wich is really nice. I see you struggle a little bit with the longer lines and curve. This is really a common thing, and it'll get better as you develop muscle memory and also learn wich motion to use depending on the line you are planning. both the longer lines and curve ones show some fraying at the end, that will also get better with practice and repetition, so this is nothing to worry about. keep it up!

    Ghosted Lines: You seem to be doing the ghosting part really well. yes, they are not perfect but they are getting better as you progress. some of the lines have a little bent at the end or the start, which can be caused by some confidence loss or maybe the position of the page, remember that with each line you must plan the movement of all your arm muscles as well as the rotation of the page to make it easier to achieve those sharp and confident lines.

    Ghosted Planes: Here we have the same principles as in the prev point, so I haven't got much to say asides that you did them really good. I recommend on doing this exercise as warm ups before you start drawing each day, because its really helpful both for lines and for the ellipses that you'll be drawing on top.


    Tables of Ellipses and  Ellipses in Planes: I'll put these two together because they are very simmilar. All the thing I could critique are well developed by the end of the pages, this is really good, because you are able to identify your own struggles and learn to solve them, at the start your ellipses are a little wobbly and loose, and by the end of these exercises you are able to draw them very sharply and with a lot more confidence. they still have some work to do but you are on the right path congrats!

    Funnels: Here the axis are a little bit off in some of them, but the main problem I see is the confidence, take your time and Ghost arround the trayectory you are planing for the ellipse. As I said before, I recommend you to warmup doing the ghosted planes with ellipses so you can develop confidence on both elements at the same time.


    Plotted Perspective: Well, I havent got much to say since its done with the ruler so, as long as it helps you to understand how things work for the next exercises, this one is well done.

    Rough Perspective and Organic Perspective: Here the main issue is where the vanishing points end up being, and for this the only thing I can suggest is to ghost the lines aaaall the way to the vanishing point you are looking for, do a couple ghosting pases from the start of your point to the vanishing point so you can plan it and aim a little bit better, and then when you are confident enough start thinking of the little portion that is going to be your actual box line. Anyways, here you also get better as the pages fill, so I dont think its necessary to ask extra homework, I think you have enough self awareness to get trough.

        Rotated Boxes: These rotated boxes are really hard to do, its not perfect but the main thing is to get how this exercise makes you think about the vanishing points and how they affect the rotation of the box, and I thing you did this part really well so, congrats!

fiuf, here it all ends. As I said, keep the Ghosted planes in mind for your warmups and you'll be in a really good shape, and also try once in a while revisiting the rotated boxes exercise, its a nice challenge that helps you keeping sharp the 3 dimensionality of your drawings.