Hi Spookyskelly! Congratulations on finishing your Lesson 1 homework. I'm Wendy and I will be reviewing your submission.

  1. Superimposed Lines:

Your lines are confident and smooth. On occasion, your lines are fraying on both ends. Make sure to place your pen carefully at the start of the line. Fraying should be seen only on the end, not the start of the lines.

  1. Ghosted Lines:

Here your lines are also confident and smooth. They are also nice and straight most of the time. On a few of the lines, you didn't place the pen at the starting dot quite accurately enough.

There is some overshooting and undershooting of lines. This is okay for now, as your accuracy will surely improve as you continue with other exercises.

  1. Ghosted Planes:

You have nice and straight lines here also, and the crosses tend to meet up in the middle.

Sometimes, you lines overshoot by quite a bit. Try lifting your pen off the page the moment you hit the end point.

You also didn't get very adventurous with the shape of the planes. Many of them are simple rectangles, especially on the first sheet. In your warm-ups going forward, try to include more slanted planes. It's also great to try some larger planes, as those will be a little more challenging.

  1. Tables of Ellipses:

Your ellipses look confident and smooth. Most of the time, you also managed to keep the angle and degree of the ellipses fairly even across each section.

Generally, you managed to fit the ellipses in snugly and accurately. There are a few cases where your ellipses didn't meet with the frame borders, and you filled in remaining spaces with extra little ellipses. The extra ellipses are unnecessary.

In some cases, the angle and degree of the ellipses is slowly shifting as you get near the end of each section. That's an easy mistake to make. Try and keep an eye not just on matching the last ellipse you drew, but all of the ellipses in the section so far.

Some of your ellipses aren't very tight yet, but this will surely improve with more practice. Be sure to keep up with your warm-ups.

  1. Ellipses in Planes:

Here as well, your ellipses are confident, smooth, and generally well-shaped. They also fit inside the planes snugly and accurately most of the time. There are a few mishaps on the planes that are really thin and slanted, but that is understandable.

  1. Funnels:

Well-drawn ellipses here, as well. You managed to fit the ellipses in snugly and accurately most of the time, and aligned them to the minor axis quite accurately, as well. You also created a nice degree shift out from center. No complaints here!

  1. Plotted Perspective:

These are drawn well for the most part. In the first section, I see that some of your verticals came out slanted at first, and you corrected them. I think you may have gotten confused with the many crossing lines here. That said, you should make a point of never redrawing a line, even if it's wrong.

On the remaining two sections, your verticals are all correct, so you clearly understand the concepts.

  1. Rough Perspective:

Most of your lines are quite clean and straight here.

Some of your verticals went askew in this exercise, particularly on the back planes of the boxes. When plotting the corner points for your back plane, make sure that they are properly rectangular.

I can see that you redrew a line on occasion. Be sure to draw each line only once, even if it's wrong.

The perspective estimates on some of your depth lines are quite off, especially the ones that are further away from the vanishing points. However, that is to be expected, and things will improve with more practice.

Your correction lines are quite thick, which makes things less clear. You could try sharpening your colored pencils more and see if that helps.

  1. Rotated Boxes:

Your arrangement of boxes came out fairly symmetrical, and the space between the boxes is nice and tight. Some of the boxes don't seem to quite rotate. Instead, they just move back in perspective without rotating.

Overall though, you did quite a good job with this difficult exercise, well done!

  1. Organic Perspective:

Your boxes demonstrate a good sense of 3d space.

I see a few doubled up lines here as well. I know it's tempting to try and fix a line that went wrong, but make sure to draw each line only once even if it went askew.

There is some significant overshooting of the lines at times. Be sure to plot out corner points, and ghost carefully before drawing your line. You want to try and draw steady lines, and not get too loose and sketchy with them.

I also noticed you didn't draw the overlapping boxes through. To help establish the shapes in space correctly, it's always a good idea to draw them through. That said, you managed to draw the boxes quite convincingly even without drawing through, so I don't think this hurt your execution of the exercise much in the end.