250 Box Challenge
3:06 AM, Wednesday December 6th 2023
Submitting as two links cause imgur is having trouble: https://imgur.com/a/wv4ijD8
Theres a couple duplicate boxes, aparrently I have trouble counting.
One question, I seem to have trouble applying the "width of opposites ends" rule. I understand the rule with elipses. As a perfect circle moves across our view, the degree gets smaller as we look at the edge. That makes sense. Naturally that line of thinking applies to planes. Cool. But when it comes to incorperating that into boxes, I get lost. I always look and my own boxes and the examples on the page and- I can't really see it. If anything, the opposite end gets smaller and less wide, as a result of moving towards the vanishing point. I realize the explanation says that the shrinkage effect is seperate from the width effect, but I guess I just can't spot it. Is it only visible in extreme circumstances? Cause if I follow that lines to their vanishing point, it seems to make the opposite end smaller if anything.