Hi again TryingToDrawaBox, I've checked your submission.

Starting out by your organic arrows, you are doing a very solid work in here! You are maintaining a confident quality on your lines while also creating good illusions that the arrows flow in 3d space, I'm seeing that you are changing the size of the arrows as they get closer and also changing the negative space between turns, this really give them a really solid 3d sense! One thing that caught my eye however, is that sometimes when you are applying line weight, you are not using it on the best places to clarify your forms better- Remember that you should be only applying it, subtly, on the sides of the arrows that are facing the viewer and on top of another, to make clear how that arrow turns in space, as shown here and here on the lesson. Also, remember that cast shadows, visually, call a lot of attention, so try to keep them a little bit more subtle.

On to your organic forms, you are almost there of getting to the characteristics of the average sausage, remember to create them as two same size balls that connect with a consistent-width tube. One thing that I notice is that those sausages have a lot of blank space around them, so next time, I advice you either draw them bigger (which is always good) or just draw more, remember to make the most of every exercise of this course! Also, good job varying the degrees of the your sausages it really helps you to create a better illusion of depth.

Now, I clearly see that you've enjoyed the texture exercise, and you did a pretty solid work on it, though there are some things I still want to draw you attention to, so you can keep on the right path.

  • You did a good job on your texture analysis exercise, though one thing that I'm seeing in your tree one is a lot of scribbly lines- Avoid every mark that doesn't involve mindfully thinking what is it's purpose, scribbling it's just the opposite and even though we tend to drift towards it when we are getting stuck, try to fight the urge, since it never ends up well.

  • Even though I think your dissections look good, in a lot of cases, they are not accomplishing what we want here- Let's take your snake scales for an example, for me that's the best you did in this exercise, since you are implicitly showing how that texture is with the use of cast shadows and also changing the silhouette. However, as I said, this is the best for me, see now your bricks; In here you are explicitly describing all the texture by outlining the forms, this in a larger scale would overwhelm the viewers with all the amount of information you are presenting them! So remember, whenever you are applying texture in this course, it has to be implicitly with the use of cast shadows and changing the silhouette, I would like you to revisit the section on the lesson that discusses explicit vs implicit texture.

  • I'm gonna clarify here something, showing the texture in an explicit way wrapping around this forms is a very solid step, you are showing very good work and observation on this textures, so seeing this I wanted to explain you how much far you can go with your textures!

Form intersections are really good, this is a hard exercise that is made so you start thinking about how forms relate to each other in 3d space, and you did a very good job on it. However, never apply liquid paper or corrector (I don't know how you call it on your country), remember that a big part of this course is accepting that we are going to make mistakes, and the most mistakes that you show the critiquer, the more feedback it can give you back, so at the end of the day it's better for you. Another thing, take a little more time to decipher which planes are facing toward you before you apply hatching lines to it, it gets really confusing after you have constructed and connected a lot of forms.

Now, I'm seeing that you are having some issues with your organic intersections; First of all, it will really help if the first sausages you lay down, are in contact with the floor, like in the lesson example, this will give you a much more solid base from where to start pilling your sausages on. Also, your cast shadows are kind of all over the place, try setting an arbitrary light source on the top or left top side so you it's easier for you to apply them.

One last thing that I want to advice you on is that you don't move forward with more lessons before you get feedback. A good way to get critiques is checking the #critique-exchange channel on the discord server!

You did a very solid work on this lesson, so I'm gonna go ahead and mark it as completed! Keep it up.