250 Box Challenge

10:50 PM, Friday May 20th 2022

250 Box Challenge - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/ID58y8g.jpg

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I did ok on this challenge. There's moments where I was more concerned about the 3D space aspect of the object and my line work started to get slower and wobbly, so it tends to go in and out a bit.

By the end, I was more familiar and confident with 3D space, so it was really worth doing.

Any feedback would be really appreaciated.


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8:48 PM, Monday May 23rd 2022

Hi there, I'll be handling your box challenge critique.

Not only does the challenge help deepen your understanding of important concepts but it shows your desire to learn as well. That being said I'll try to keep this critique fairly brief so you can get working on the next steps as soon as possible.

Things you did well:

-When hatching you're taking the time to space each line evenly which shows that care and thought is being put into each line. That being said they are very wobbly which I'll be going over in the next section.

  • You're doing a great job of experimenting with orientations, proportions and rates of foreshortening. Experimenting is an important habit to build when learning any new skill, it helps form a more well rounded understanding. I hope you'll continue to display and nurture this habit in the future.

Things you can work on:

  • One thing you need to work on is your line confidence, currently your lines have noticeable wobbling occuring. This is likely caused from hesitation while trying to keep your lines accurate. It occurs in both your construction lines as well as your hatching. Remember that line confidence is our top priority and that line accuracy will improve as you continue to build up mileage.

  • Line weight isn't a requirement of the challenge but I do recommend practicing it in your future attempts. It's an incredibly useful tool but one that people often require a fair bit of mileage before they feel comfortable applying it. The sooner you start to build up that mileage the sooner you'll see better results.

  • At times you're placing your vanishing point between the viewer and your boxes (boxes 203, 211, 233(you extended your lines in the correct direction but they're diverging a ton which shows you thought of the vanishing point in the wrong place during construction) are examples of this. This leads to you extending your lines in the wrong direction and your boxes becoming distorted because your lines are actually diverging from where the vanishing point would actually be. Here's a guide I wrote that will hopefully help you place your vanishing points and line extensions more consistently. There are some more examples of incorrectly extended lines here if you need them as well as a simplified guide below the examples as well.

  • There are times when your lines converge in pairs or you attempt to keep your lines a bit too parallel which results in them diverging. This is an example of lines converging in pairs, and this shows the relation between each line in a set and their respective vanishing point. The inner pair of lines will be quite similar unless the box gets quite long and the outer pair can vary a lot depending on the location of the vanishing point. Move it further away and the lines become closer to parallel while moving it closer increases the rate of foreshortening.

The key things we want to remember from this exercise are that our lines should always converge as a set not in pairs, never diverge from the vanishing point and due to perspective they won't be completely parallel.

I won't be moving you on to the next lesson just yet, each lesson builds off concepts in the previous course material so if you move forward with un-addressed issues you end up just creating further issues on top of them.

I'd like you to draw 25 more boxes please. Focus on drawing more confidently as well as making sure both your vanishing points and line extensions are placed consistently in the correct direction.

Once you've completed your boxes reply to this critique with a link to them, I'll address anything that needs to be worked on and once you've shown you're ready I'll move you on to the next lesson.

I know you can do this and look forward to seeing your work.

Next Steps:

25 more boxes please.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
9:22 PM, Tuesday May 24th 2022

Excellent, thanks for your feedback.

I've completed another 25 boxes which you can find here https://imgur.com/a/JB0o8Qa

I've really tried to concentrate on ghosting the lines and creating fluid marks, both in construction and with the hatching.

I find converging the lines tough, it feels like the slightest mistake compounds into a large divergence when drawing the VP lines. I'm hoping this lessens over time.

Let me know what you think.

8:00 PM, Wednesday May 25th 2022

Your construction lines are looking much more confident, good work.

Your hatching still has a bit of wobbling which shows you're probably still worried about keeping them within the boundaries of your planes. If you need to overextend your lines a bit to keep them accurate then do so for now, you'll grow more accurate with more mileage.

When it comes to your lines it appears like you're trying to keep them close to parallel or they end up diverging at times. I think you're on the right track but may just be struggling to manage drawing confidently while converging your lines at the same time.

I'd like for you to prioritize boxes in your warm ups just for a few sessions but after you draw your initial Y draw your vanishing points on the page as well. This will hopefully allow you to continue drawing confidently while also reinforcing your understanding of 3D space and how your lines should be converging. After a few sessions you will hopefully be able to remove the vanishing points and be able to handle both tasks at once.

I think you're showing good growth here and will continue to improve as you build up more mileage so I'll be marking your submission complete.

Keep practicing boxes and previous exercises in your warm ups and good luck in lesson 2.

Next Steps:

Move on to lesson 2.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
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Sketching: The Basics

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