2 users agree
12:46 AM, Tuesday August 4th 2020

Hi Kez, I'd say from the beginning and throughout this lesson your lines look pretty confident so I think you should challenge yourself a bit more. With the Superimposed Line exercise maybe on your own time try to draw even longer lines and wavier or curlier curves. I know for me when looking at some of these exercises it looks intimidating no matter how simple or complicated they look. Sometimes I did a lot better than what I thought I was capable of, and other times I did as bad as expected, but I at least knew what I had to work on. So maybe if you tried something more challenging you'll pleasantly surprise yourself.

With every exercise requiring 2 pages I saw you understood more and gained more confidence, so maybe for the Funnel exercise try another page and draw those ellipses closer together. I think even if they are too spaced out on one attempt then over lap the second attempt, by the third of fourth you can gage and re-adjust to get it tight and consistent like how you did in the Tables of Ellipses exercise.

The only other thing is with the Plotted Perspective exercise when shading the sides of the cubes try to draw the lines from edge to edge and closer together, that way they make the right side seem much more shady compared to the other sides.

I just finished this first lesson too! So congrats on starting Draw a Box and finishing the first lesson!

Next Steps:

I believe you understood and completed the exercises, just a few things to work on moving forward or do as drawing warm-ups before you start your drawing sessions. Continue to lesson 2 :)

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
12:29 AM, Wednesday August 19th 2020
edited at 12:30 AM, Aug 19th 2020

Hi to everyone!

He should do the 250 box challenge before getting into the lesson 2. Everything else said seems right to me (also, nice rotated boxes).

Btw, there's a guide to critique the first lesson, you should check it out! it brings a lot of information for making a good and fully critique https://pastebin.com/dYnFt9PQ.

Greetings :)


edited at 12:30 AM, Aug 19th 2020
7:40 PM, Tuesday February 16th 2021

Hey, Jess, sorry for long response, but I just to appreciate your effort putted in critique. That helped me to ensure my work. Thanks a lot!

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