good work on completing lesson one


Superimposed lines look good, it looks like you ghosted your lines well before drawing them. They also taper only on one side which will get better with time. You should ghost the lines then draw them in but when drawing them in make sure to place your fineliner on the start of the line. It seems some of your ghosted lines start around the area of the start of the line but you should place your fineliner down on the page and then execute the motion, many of the lines are done like that anyway so good job. Overall good confident lines. The ghosted lines look confident and ghosted good job. The lines of the planes are also good.


The ellipses in the table are confident and most are nice and touching. Make sure to ghost all your ellipses and there are no gaps between them. They should be touching their bounds and not overlapping them, ghost them in the place you want to drawn them , small, large or narrow. Then once confident with the motion put pen to paper and draw them in. I can tell you struggled with the small ellipses, just keep ghosting and drawing them and you will get better with time. Same for the narrow ellipses I can see some of them are pointed at the top and wobbly so make sure to ghost them. The ellipses in the ghosted planes are confident, The accuracy can be improved by ghosting your ellipses if you are not already doing so. On the funnels I see a gap between ellipses and I see some ellipses that overlap. Ellipses here should be touching.


rough perspective looks good, remember here that the vertical lines of the boxes are perpendicular to the horizon and horizontal lines are paralell to the horizon. Plotted perspective looks good. good rotation on the rotating boxes, do not repeat lines, draw only one line and if the lines is off move on to the next like. Do not draw the line again. Organic perspective looks good, here again I see some lines drawn over, plan plot and draw your lines, if the line is off then move on.

Overall I think you can move on the 250 box challenge, good luck