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7:51 PM, Thursday September 24th 2020

This is definitely a considerable improvement. Your subdivided boxes are looking pretty solid, and you're clearly going to far greater extents when applying those subdivisions to your actual object constructions. There is certainly still room for improvement of course - specifically in the construction of your boxes (keeping the convergences consistent and avoiding divergence as we move farther back in space), as well as in following those convergences as you construct your forms. For example, I noticed that in your slot machine, the bulk of the machine ended up twisted relative to the base.

While this glaring mistake does exist in that drawing, I am happy with the fact that you continued to roll with it, rather than trying desperately to fix it. As a result, while that mistake is present, nothing else went awry because of it, and the construction still came out feeling pretty solid, even if it was not perfectly accurate to your reference image.

One suggestion I have moving forward is that you try and use actual photos (especially high-resolution ones) for your references rather than 3D models, and wherever possible in this lesson especially, try to work from real objects around you. The other lessons don't allow for this quite as much, but since this one's focused on "everyday objects", it is considerably easier to find things that qualify.

I'll go ahead and mark this lesson as complete.

Next Steps:

Feel free to move onto the 25 wheel challenge, which is a prerequisite for lesson 7.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
3:55 AM, Friday September 25th 2020

Thanks so much!!! i'll try to use some real life pictures if i can from now on, If its okay, could i do the texture challenge and the treasure chest challenge before the wheel one?

4:04 AM, Friday September 25th 2020

Yup, you're fine to try out those challenges beforehand, as you've met all of their prerequisites.

7:20 PM, Tuesday October 13th 2020

I've pretty much finished my texture challenge, would it be okay to send it in later today? im not sure if the 14(?) day break in between lessons counts when i submitted my first homework or my revisions.

& for the treasure chest challenge i heard someone doing it after lesson 7, would it be more recommended to do it before or after lesson 7 or does it not matter?

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