Congrats on completing lesson 1!

Your work overall looks very nice! Looking at your super-imposed lines I can see that they stay pretty straight, without too much wobble. Your ghosted lines are also good. The ghosted lines look smooth and confidently made. Your lines are mostly straight and you do a good job on your accuracy, which is something you will work towards as you continue to practice ghosting.

With the planes I can see you put a lot of effort into their construction. You maintain the clean, confident lines I saw before,

Normally, TAs don't read student comments or self assessment when doing critiques, as it can contaminate the critique we give to students. But I just wanted to let you know that your ellipses are fine. There are somethings that I will point out for your benefit to help you continue improving, but overall they are not showing any glaring faults that I would consider "a weak spot" at this time.

In the table of ellipses exercise you do a good job of consistently drawing through your circles correctly (2-3 times). You were careful about where you placed your ellipses and I can see you put in the work trying to get them to fit snuggly in the alloted space. Your ellipses in this exercise generally have a nice confident and even shape to them as well. There are a few areas where I can see a little bit of wobble and hesitation. Some of this will fade as you continue to practice ghosting and drawing from your shoulder. Since some of the wobble comes from the end of your ellipses I'll give you a suggestion for that. When you want to end your line, try lifting your pen off of the page rather than stopping the motion of your arm. This will help allow you to focus on ghosting and using your shoulder to create smooth, confident, and consistent lines. Still, this is a minor thing and again, your ellipses as a whole look good.

In your ellipses in planes I can see that you are still trying to maintain that confidence and consistency. Your planes are well constructed like before and your ellipses are generally well shaped. If you still fell like you are struggling with your ellipses then doing more of this exercise as part of your warm up routine can help you build more control and consistency in your ellipses while providing a clear boundary for you to examine and uncover your mistakes.

The ellipses in the funnels exercise are also very good. They are cleaner than your ellipses in planes and have a good even shape to them. I do see that some of your ellipses are slanted along the minor axis. An easy way to fix this is if you ever notice your ellipses are slanting, try turning the page until they begin to line up correctly.

Your boxes in the rough perspective exercise look alright. I can see you tried to line them up correctly with your horizontal lines staying mostly parallel with the horizon and your vertical lines staying fairly perpendicular. Your line quality takes a small dip here as I can see that some of your lines have wobble to them and a few are undershot more than what I saw in your planes exercise. As you move forward and being to construct more complex forms it is important to remember to put as much time and effort into each step, each mark of your construction as explained here. Your boxes do a good job of converging towards the plotted vanishing point and this is something that you will work on more in the box challenge.

The rotated boxes exercise is very complex and challenging, but you did very well. You have a good amount of rotation in your boxes along the major axes and your mark making goes back to being more confident and consistent like before. You do a pretty good job of drawing through your boxes and the line weight you added is fairly well done. When you move on to the box challenge I want you to pay particular attention to this section here and that should help you improve on how you add weight to your lines as you work your way through the box challenge.

You have a good start here with your organic perspective boxes. I can see you tried to get your sets of parallel lines to converge towards their shared vanishing point. This is something you will also work on more in the box challenge. I do see that your line wobble returns, particularly with the smaller boxes. Make sure that you are ghosting through all your lines like I mentioned before and that you are drawing from the shoulder, even with small lines.