Hi Dragstra! congrats on completing lesson 1. My name is Batata and I’ll be reviewing your homework ????


Overlapping lines are off to a great start. I see you draw them with confidence and I don't see much wobbling. As a comment for future exercises I would say that, although this exercise prioritizes confidence over precision, I think you could afford to reduce the fraying a bit at the end of the lines (I mean on the straight ones). Especially since your first attempt and the rest of the exercises show me that you can.

The ghost lines exercise looks good, the lines look straight, smooth and consistent. And they move close enough to both points.

The Ghosted planes look great. The accuracy of the lines improve too, they are stopping closer to the defined dots. I do see more arcing in your lines. I don't think it's a big mistake but it's worth notice.


The tables of ellipses are looking good. You are drawing through your ellipses and focusing on consistent smooth ellipse shapes over accuracy. This is also the case in the ellipses in planes exercise.

Your funnels look good, you could have pushed a bit more by drawing narrower degrees ellipses in the center and then widened the degrees of the ellipses as they move outwards in the funnel.


The plotted perspective looks good, no comments on this one.

Your rough perspective exercises looks good too, there are some arching but overall you are keeping up with the confident linework. Remember that all of your horizontal lines should be parallel to the horizon line and all of your verticals should be perpendicular(straight up and down in this case) to the horizon line. A few of the vertical legs are slanting a bit. As you can see some of your perspective estimations were off but that will become more intuitive with practice.

Your rotated box exercise turned out okay. You did a good job drawing through your boxes and keeping the gaps between them consistent.

Your organic perspective exercises are looking pretty good. You have some solid box constructions here and I can see you are developing a sense for how box rotate and lines converge to vps.

This was a really solid submission. Your line confidence, ellipses and boxes are coming along nicely. I think you are understanding most of the concepts these lessons are trying to teach. I think you are ready for the 250 box challenge.

good luck :)

(english ain't my first language. I did my best. I hope everything is correctly written and clear enough.)