Hey there, I'll be handling your critique. Sorry for the wait, with current events a lot of people have been starting up the course and it's meant there have been a lot of submissions to work through.

With that out of the way let's start on your Lines section. Starting with your super imposed lines, you're doing a good job of keeping the fraying minimal and only on one side with minimal wobbling. In your ghosted lines and planes exercise you do get a bit of arcing and wobbling occurring which is a sign that you may not be fully comfortable drawing with your shoulder and the idea of making confident strokes. Remember that right now we aren't worried about accuracy so if you over shoot the stopping point it's fine, we want smooth lines first, accuracy comes after with mileage.

I'm happy to see you experimented with sizes and shapes in your table of Ellipses exercise, you are getting some pinched ends and squared edges which again is a sign that you are probably just worried about accuracy too much at this point.In the table of ellipses and funnels exercises this does improve a bit which is good to see, your ellipses will also tighten up with more mileage. In the funnels exercise it looks like you kept the instructions about keeping your ellipses divided equally between the funnel's minor axis in mind, you got quite close on most of them just don't forget it's your goal when doing this exercise as a warm up in the future.

Lastly let's take a look at your Boxes. In your rough perspective you are again getting a bit of wobbling going on, but I'm happy to see that you tried to keep the horizontal lines parallel and vertical lines perpendicular to the horizon line however, as well as the fact that your correction lines are mostly in the area of the vanishing point. The last 2 exercises are meant to be tricky and challenge a student but your attempts are very solid, you kept a fairly even spacing between the boxes in your rotated box exercise. One thing to watch is that while the front facing planes appear to achieve rotation, the planes furthest from the viewer aren't as accurate and don't rotate as much. (The Box directly to the right of the center one is a good example of this.) You seemed to grasp in the organic box exercise that closer boxes appear larger and the further boxes appear smaller as well, great work.

Overall this is a great start, I'll be marking the lesson as complete. The main thing you need to improve so far is that your lines and ellipses aren't as confident as they should be, remember that we ghost before every mark we make in this course a few times before using our shoulder and fully committing to a mark in one smooth confident motion. We don't expect perfection so don't stress over your accuracy, we just expect your best and you'll become more accurate with mileage.

You'll find ways to construct your boxes so that they look more solid as well as gain a better understanding of perspective and some of the concepts shown in this lesson as you work through the 250 box challenge. Remember to do previous exercises as your warm ups and take your time with the challenge, it's a lot and without proper breaks and drawing for fun you can burn out quickly if you aren't careful.

Great work and good luck!