Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants
10:43 PM, Saturday August 29th 2020
A rough start with the first plant. Made a couple of crucial constructional mistakes with plants 2 and 8: upper ellipses where supposed to be way thinner.
Have a couple of questions:
For plants that have many leaves, branches (plants 6, 7, 8), how to avoid the "noise" that comes from drawing each and every one? I've tried brute-forcing but it just becomes such a mess with some many lines that I can barely understand which one is in front/behind.
Had a difficulty with adding "just the right amount" of detail/texture. Is the plant 7 too much and plant 8 not enough?
What do you think about how I used the black spaces to separate the leaves so the general drawing doesn't look too noisy?
Thank you for the feedback! :)