Overall pretty good job! You've drawn super big, and you weren't afraid to extend the lines all the way through, which made catching your mistakes why more easily, lineweight and converges of the boxes improved a lot through the challenge, so I don't have much to say, but I'll try to point out some things so you still have stuff to think about.

First is that to improve the convergence of your lines, you can think in all the lines of the set instead of just thinking in pairs, as you might be doing. Like it's explained on this diagram, you can compare angles and lines to your guesses of the convergences better, so give it a look.

Other thing is orientations of the boxes, you've done them pretty varied, but here's a diagram that might give you some ideas to try new ones.

And lastly, as you've been doing a pretty good job, I recommend looking into the advanced exercises, give it a try too for different methods of doing boxes as well; you don't need to always start with the Y, you can start by drawing a plane for example, and building a box with it.