Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
1:21 PM, Saturday June 4th 2022
Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
Hi Hielum13! Congratulations on finishing your Lesson 1 homework. I'm Wendy and I will be reviewing your submission.
Your lines are hesitant and wobbly. You may be drawing them too slowly. It's important that you prioritize making smooth confident strokes, even if that means they are less accurate.
I also see some fraying of the lines on both ends. Make sure to place your pen carefully at the start of the line. Fraying should be seen only on the end, not the start of the lines.
Aside from the occasional waver, these lines are straighter and more confident than your superimposed lines. So, there is some improvement here.
On a few of the lines, you didn't place the pen at the starting dot quite accurately enough.
Some of your lines are arcing. This could be due to drawing from the elbow. Make sure to always draw from the shoulder in this exercise. That said, arcing can still happen if you draw from the shoulder. If you find that your lines tend to arc a particular way, focus on arcing them the other way, so that they will even out over time.
I also noticed that you redrew some of the lines. Be sure to draw each line only once, even if it's wrong.
There is some overshooting and undershooting of lines. This is okay for now, as your accuracy will surely improve as you continue with other exercises.
There is the occasional wobble in your lines, and some of the lines are arcing here, too. It's important that you prioritize making smooth confident strokes, even if that means they are less accurate.
In this exercise also, you don't always place your pen at the starting dot fully accurately, so be careful about this.
There is a little bit of overshooting and undershooting at times, but this is fine for now. It's more important to focus on smooth confident strokes.
Your ellipses are drawn fairly smoothly, a bit deformed at times, but that is to be expected at this stage.
Some of the ellipses are drawn through only one-and-a-half times. Some of the time, it looks like you lifted your pen prematurely, and decided to place it back on the paper to continue the same ellipse some more.
Try to avoid this. Be sure to draw through each ellipse two full times, and only then lift your pen. It may be tempting to try and fix an ellipse after you drew it, but try to resist doing that and just move on to the next ellipse.
You managed to fit your ellipses in snugly most of the time. However, you didn't keep the angle and degree of the ellipses consistent within each panel section. In many cases, you put ellipses in at random angles, and filled up little holes with smaller ellipses.
In a given section, you need to keep the angle and degree of the ellipses the same until you reach the end of the space. I would recommend that you go over the instructions again for this exercise, and be sure to follow all the rules.
Most of your ellipses are fairly confident and smooth. There is the occasional bumpy one, but nothing too serious. They aren't very tight yet, but this will improve with more practice. Be sure to keep up with your warm-ups.
On some of the planes, you missed the edges of the plane by quite a large amount. I understand that could be an accident. Just be sure to try and make the ellipses touch the borders of the plane if you can, while making sure to keep drawing confidently and smoothly.
You managed to fit the ellipses fairly snugly in many cases. They are also fairly well aligned to the minor axis.
Sometimes, there is too much space between ellipses. Be sure to keep them tightly packed together.
In this exercise also, some of the ellipses are drawn through only one-and-a-half times. Be sure to draw through each ellipse two full times. Some ellipses are a little too loose, so keep an eye on that.
On the bottom left funnel, the ellipses started to deviate from the edge more and more as you went out from the center. Also, one ellipse was drawn entirely outside the funnel. Once the curved lines end, there is no need to try and cram in another ellipse, because you won't have the guidelines to work with anymore beyond that point.
One more advanced trick you could try in your warm-ups is to have a very narrow ellipse in the middle, and gradually increase the degree as you go out from the center. This will help you to develop more control over the degree.
It looks like you constructed the perspective correctly. I see a few stray lines though, did your ruler slip? Be sure to try and keep it as clean as possible.
Your ruled lines are not quite as tight as I would expect. One trick you can do is to put the ruler upside down, so that the slanted edge of the ruler is lifted slightly off the page. This will give you cleaner ink lines, because the ink won't bleed under your ruler that way. This also keeps your ruler clean from ink.
Some rulers even have a special slanted edge along the bottom for this very purpose.
The corner dots are quite thick. You don't need to overaccentuate them, just a small dot will do.
My main complaint is that the hatching is a bit too loose. Make sure that all your hatch lines properly meet up with the boundaries of the plane, and fill it out entirely. Draw steady lines, like you would for the sides of the box, and ghost them if necessary.
There is some wavering to your lines. In other cases, there is a strong taper to the lines, which makes me wonder if you flicked the strokes. Be sure to prioritize steady, even strokes. Ghost each line carefully and patiently, and don't flick your strokes.
I see a few doubled up lines here as well. I know it's tempting to try and fix a line that went wrong, but make sure to draw each line only once even if it went askew.
A few of your horizontals went askew, but it looks like you are making an effort to keep them parallel to the horizon line.
Some of your verticals are off as well, but most of them are nicely perpendicular to the horizon line.
The perspective estimates on some of your depth lines are quite off, especially the ones that are further away from the vanishing points. However, that is to be expected, and things will improve with more practice.
Your arrangement of boxes came out somewhat symmetrical, and the space between the boxes is nice and tight. The boxes got a little distorted at the far edges, but nothing too serious.
I see a few doubled up lines here as well, so try to avoid that in the future.
Overall though, you did a pretty good job with this difficult exercise, well done!
It looks like you forgot to complete this assignment, or at least forgot to submit it. Be sure to go back and do it.
Next Steps:
To make sure you are moving forward from the best possible place, I would like to ask you to make a few revisions.
I'd like to ask you to put special focus on drawing smooth confident lines, even if that results in a lot more fraying at the end of the lines. Be sure to place your pen at the start of the line very accurately, though. There should not be any fraying at the start.
Make sure to try and draw all the ellipses in a given panel section at the same angle, and with the same degree. Don't fill up extra spaces with random little ellipses.
If this part is confusing, be sure to carefully re-read all the instructions for this exercise.
Be sure to go back and read the instructions for this exercise in case you missed them, and then complete the missing pages.
I agree with Wendy. One thing that can help in the future is adopting the Ghosted Planes + Ellipses in Planes exercise into your warmups. It's a double-whammy; gets your arm moving with the ellipses and primes your muscle memory with the ghosted lines! It's become one of my go-to warmups. Even just a few will suffice, maybe 2-3. And overtime, you'll see your ellipses becoming tighter and your ghosted lines becoming smoother which is great :)
I appreciate you giving me such insightful feedback. I'll keep it in mind as I go forward.
I apologize for taking so long to do this as I didn't check the Drawabox website after I began the 250 box challenge.
Here are the revisions: https://imgur.com/gallery/6Bf2tSg
Much cleaner, straighter lines now. Great job!
These are definitely neater. There is still room for improvement with the consistency of the ellipse angles, so be sure to spent some extra time during your warm-ups with this exercise.
Your boxes demonstrate a good sense of 3d space.
I see a few doubled up lines. I know it's tempting to try and fix a line that went wrong, but make sure to draw each line only once even if it went askew.
Your revisions show a lot of improvement, so I'm going to mark this as complete now.
Next Steps:
The next step will be the 250 Box Challenge. Good luck and keep up the good work!
A lot of folks have heard about Scott Robertson's "How to Draw" - it's basically a classic at this point, and deservedly so. It's also a book that a lot of people struggle with, for the simple reason that they expect it to be a manual or a lesson plan explaining, well... how to draw. It's a reasonable assumption, but I've found that book to be more of a reference book - like an encyclopedia for perspective problems, more useful to people who already have a good basis in perspective.
Sketching: The Basics is a far better choice for beginners. It's more digestible, and while it introduces a lot of similar concepts, it does so in a manner more suited to those earlier in their studies.
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