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8:25 PM, Saturday July 1st 2023

Sounds like you are grinding. Don't. Having to redo it so many times and not making progress is probably a big factor in you feeling impatient.

In my experience patience comes from two parts. Part 1 is earned through practicing being present in the moment. Part 2 is earned through the pain experienced from impatience. Both are built up through mileage but the better you get at part 1 the less you have to rely on part 2.

Collect music that helps you focus. I find chill music without lyrics helps me the most. Or songs where the lyrics are very subtle or in a different language.

Practice "rituals" to help you get in the right mindset. The way DAB suggests to do your warmups and has you use a ruler to make the frames/layouts for your warmups.

Work in an area that isn't distracting and doesn't get in your way or frustrate you.

This double-inhale technique helps me destress and lower anxiety which often coincides with impatience in my experience.

I found drawing alongside people in comms on discord helped with following the 50/50 rule.

I hope this helps!

1:56 AM, Monday July 3rd 2023


Thanks for the reply.

Yeah,I've felt like I was grinding, but sometimes even knowing that I can't seem to throw away the thought of redoing it again, but seems like I've accepted it now.

The 2-part patience has got me thinking for a while, but I think I understand.

I've read it and tried to find some music, and I think it worked out quite well.

As for that double-inhale technique, it has also helped a lot, thanks for recommending that.

Thanks again, hope I'll be able to get back on track soon. :)

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