Patience Issues
8:44 PM, Friday June 30th 2023
I'm currently working on lesson 2's dissection exercise.
And I have redid it about 4 times because all of the textures feel rushed for some reason, so the whole exercise ends up being scrapped, and it has been some months since I started it.
It's my fifth attempt now, it has seen some improvements, and finding textures has been easier now compared to previous attempts.
But still I feel like some were still a bit rushed or done very impatiently, probably due to being a bit distracted or just wanting to get the exercise over with, and sometimes the observation process is quite confusing despite trying to make sense of it and what the exercise asks me to do, so the end product ends up being very simple, and feels not like something I can submit for the critiques.
Aside from that, my daily warm-ups have not been very consistent, the 50/50 rule too, because I run out of drawing ideas easily.
Is there any advice for how to not get too impatient and end up feeling like the whole thing is rushed?
Thanks in advance.