Your lines are not bad with some issues quite normal at this part of the course. First, some of your lines are frayed at both ends indicating that you didn't took the time to adjust your pen before drawing another line. The ghosted lines section also has some lines where it doesn't touch both point a and point b. Just take your time and focus more on the output rather than finishing it as soon as possible. Second, your lines are wobbly which means you're not confident enough and make doubts as you draw your line. That is fine since you will have lots of time to work on that on your warm-ups and everybody that took this course are guilty of this mistake. Third is that your lines are arching. This means that you are not used to using your shoulder yet which again, is quite normal. Try to consciously arch on the opposite direction to counter it which would help a lot.

You did a pretty good job on the ellipses table where you filled each tables with almost enough ellipses to minimize unoccupied spaces. The problems is that just like with your lines, your ellipses are wobbly and also sometimes overlaps each other and goes through their respective borders. Your ellipses in planes exercise looks better with fewer wobbles, but some of them goes through the planes as well and doesn't touch all four sides. As for your funnels, the minor axis is not balanced and doesn't make symmetrical halves. I recommend you spend more time ghosting to develop the muscle memory as you do your warm-ups.

On the rough perspective, your width lines aren't parallel with the horizon and some height lines are not perpendicular with the horizon which led to some deformed and tilted boxes. On the rotated boxes, some of the boxes are not close to each other and stands out from the others. I have pretty much nothing else to say because you will have a lot of time working on your boxes during the 250 box challenge after this.