Hiya Addy! Good job making it through Lesson 1! A little word of advice for next time, please upload your exercises in the proper lesson order so that it's easier for people to look through and see that you did the right number of exercise pages. And with that out of the way...

Nice job on the Superimposed Lines and Ghosted Lines. Don't be afraid to vary them up more and let a few of them go across the whole page.

Your Ghosted Planes and Planes in Ellipses are nicely done. Great job filling the whole page with them. Same thing with the Tables of Ellipses.

The Funnels came out nicely. Only one I'd be concerned with is the circular one in the bottom right; the tinier circles should start out narrow and gradually widen. But you seem to have understood that when drawing the funnel next to it, so you're good.

You did your Plotted Perspective well. I noticed some of the boxes hidden behind others haven't been drawn all the way through and end behind the box; it's important to draw those hidden lines regardless so you get a good idea of the 3D form.

The colored lines on your Rough Perspective should end at the horizon line and not pass through; that way it's easier for you to tell how far off from the vanishing point your angles were. Otherwise, well done.

Your Rotated Boxes aren't exactly perfect, but then again they weren't meant to be. The important thing is that you did it the best you could, so good job.

Your Organic Perspective came out a lot differently then it was supposed to; instead of using the whole page, you were supposed to divide the page into frames and draw inside them. A little more box overlap would help give more of a sense of depth too. But you seem to have gotten the general idea of it, so you're okay.