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6:06 PM, Monday January 22nd 2024

Okay, this looks much better. When I say you rely on parallel lines what I mean is that the box legs aren't really showing any convergences towards vanishing points which all boxes have when viewed in perspective. If the viewing angle is very far the convergences can "look" parallel but they would still be converging by at least a very slight amount because truly parallel lines would mean the box is growing in size as it moves back in space. The 250 box challenge will go into these ideas in more depth and have a more thorough explanation. Good luck with 250 box challenge!

Next Steps:

The 250 Box Challenge

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
5:26 AM, Tuesday January 23rd 2024

That makes sense.

Thank you!

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens

Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens

Like the Staedtlers, these also come in a set of multiple weights - the ones we use are F. One useful thing in these sets however (if you can't find the pens individually) is that some of the sets come with a brush pen (the B size). These can be helpful in filling out big black areas.

Still, I'd recommend buying these in person if you can, at a proper art supply store. They'll generally let you buy them individually, and also test them out beforehand to weed out any duds.

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