
I'll be reviewing your submission today.

Let's start with your Lines

Super Imposed Lines:

  • I can see a few cases where there are fraying on both ends of the lines; while having only the far end fray is not a big problem and you'll get better at it with time, please take your time to start your strokes from the same position in future warmups, as it is important to be deliberate about the lines we make.


  • Other than that, I can see your lines getting better throughout the exercises

Ghosted Lines:

Overall you've done a good job with this exercise.

  • You (probably :p) rotated your page to get lines in different angles right, you are putting down the dots too and there are a lot of confident lines in there!

  • There are some wobbly and/or arched lines here and there but as you've proceeded with the lesson the number of these got significantly lower

Ghosted Planes:

  • You did a great work with this exercise. Well done!


Your ellipses are only drawn through two times which is great and they aren't overlapping too much either, however in the Ellipses in Planes exercise some of your ellipses are a bit elongated: they are touching all four sides of the planes as required but not quite at the right places; it should touch near where the lines of the non-diagonal cross reach the edge of the plane. (I've made some red lines on some of the "squished" ones that I'm talking about: my ones aren't perfect either but here are some more example of what I mean: ) Albeit the emphasis isn't on accuracy in this exercise, so it's not a big problem, just a thing to keep in my during future attempts at it.

In the Funnels exercise your minor axes are not centred, most likely bc you didn't draw the major axes as wide as the funnels' width, in future attempts please try and put the minor axis in the middle-ish as it helps a lot to align your ellipses to it correctly, if you did it correctly it should cut your ellipses into 2 symmetrical halves; other than that almost all of your funnels are pretty good as the ellipses follow the same minor axis in most of them. ( (Optionally in future tries when you feel more confident you can try increasing the degree of them as you get further from the middle)


The plotted perspective exercise looks clean and you've done a good job w/ the rough perspective one!

The rotated boxes exercise is mostly good. It’s big (huge positive) that the boxes are snug, and properly drawn through. There’s some issues in regards to their rotation ( but this is a really hard exercise and most of them do rotate so it's not a huge problem!

And last but not least the organic perspective exercise:

Your boxes rotate a fare bit plus increase and decrease in size according to how far in space they are, Great work! :D

One thing though that I'd like to point out is that you shouldn't be correcting lines you've drawn, however this only showed up in this last exercise throughout your whole submission, so I assume you know the importance of not correcting them, and that it only happened bc of the difficulty of this exercise which is understandable, but refrain from doing this in future submissions.

To sum it up, this is a really good submission over all! Keep up the good work and feel free to move on to Lesson 2! ^-^