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2 users agree
2:04 AM, Friday January 1st 2021


  1. Your superimposed lines are really straight, looks like you have a good handle on your mechanics

  2. Your ghost lines are accurate and straight. Nothing to say here for this level

  3. Ghosted planes look good as well. Borders are precise and almost all your lines meet at the center. Good job!


  1. I see three loops and I beleive the excersice was looking for no more than 2

  2. You do have good control but some gaps here and there

  3. On the cones you drew an ellipse in the middle instead of two to each side of the center, You got the idea of the minor axis changing as you go along


  1. Plotted perspective, nothing constructive to say other than good jib

  2. The ghosting on the rough perspective is a little weak, looks like you were tired or forgot the commintment to the line. You have the typical mistakes like the ones I made.

  3. The upper left cube on the rotating boxes looks weird. Also you forgot to shade the visible planes

  4. You met the goal in the organic perspective drawings.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
5:20 AM, Saturday January 16th 2021

Thank you for the review!

I'm going to work on the rough and organic perspective exercises again. Kinda kept procrastinating on this for three months now... lol

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