Jumping right in with your form intersections, your work is looking very solid. The intersections you've drawn clearly demonstrate a strong and well developed understanding of how these forms sit in and relate to one another within 3D space. Carrying onto your cylinders in boxes, your work here is largely well done, but there's one key point that you're forgetting that does cause some issues.

Because the ellipse is essentially just like the line extensions, in that it is part of what we use to test our boxes (in terms of checking if the proportions of their ends are actually squares in 3D space), it's very important that we ensure our ellipses touch all four edges of the plane that encloses them, even if that messes with the line extensions. If the ellipse isn't accurately describing the plane, then you're not really testing the plane - you're testing the ellipse.

Carrying onto your form intersection vehicles, you've done very well to focus on your core primitives - while you didn't strictly have to start with an overarching bounding box (as we don't do this for our regular form intersections), you still held to the main focus of this exercise, which is to remind students that even though we're working with subdivisions and things that put the attention on individual lines and edges, that we're still defining complete simple forms and breaking them down. That is to say, we're not just putting a bunch of edges in space and then ending up with a vehicle at the end - we start with a very simple, rudimentary vehicle-like structure, and steadily whittle away at it. You've held to that well, so good work there.

Continuing onto your vehicle constructions, I was admittedly a little taken aback at just how clean your drawings are. My gut reaction was that perhaps you hadn't pushed the subdivision far enough, perhaps you hadn't pinned down all of the major landmarks necessary to transfer the plan from 2D into 3D, but honestly... for the most part, it's all there. There may be a few things missing here and there - like how in the side view orthographic for this school bus the back wheel is only identified on one side, technically there is still enough information there to work from, since we know the size of our wheels to be equal in height and width.

Rather than falling short in anything, I believe that you were just extremely fastidious in deciding which marks to lay out, and took a great deal of care in avoiding any wastage. While that isn't necessarily what I would push students to do (having landmarks defined that weren't strictly necessary is still going to be better than skipping out on landmarks, as long as we're still taking our time and ensuring we're executing each mark with care), I really have no complaints about how you've tackled this work. On top of that, the results all feel extremely solid and capture a great deal of detail on each vehicle.

As a whole, I can say with confidence that you've demonstrated an exceptional level of spatial reasoning skill, which is the core focus of this course as a whole. So, I can say with great pride and pleasure that I am marking this lesson - and the course as a whole - as complete. Congratulations, you have certainly earned it.