hello, crongrats on finishing L2, it's anything but an easy endavour. worry less about the ellipse, it's completely reasonable, personally it took me until at least until the end of L3 until i could get the hang of it. and just as a reminder, warms ups are done everyday! (so long as the lesson in still in process) just be sure to incorporate some ellipses in there.

alright enough with the shabang


good job here, lines are well executed and confident, overlapping lines, shaded well too. however there is a [lack of compression](https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/0f7c806c.jpg),the gap between the arrow lines are to expand as the arrow progresses as is shown [here](https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/011d064f.jpg). also another thing, this in't mentioned in the lesson but i believe does help with the illusion of space, but try and make it so that the arrows are also "rotated" as the arrows are as is shown [here](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/823181500244688916/1137975270066892871/IMG_20230807_120546.jpg?width=1035&height=1482). also it's okay to overlap arrows on one another, to have more on the page, finally, just as a reminder remember that you may make an overlapping the line to add lineweight. other than that well done. 


eliptical: these aren't great, they are very long and the elipses [lack rotation](https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/6822fd02.jpg). however the ellipses are alligned.

curved: not great here either, countours are to [wrap around](https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/77f2ca1c.jpg) the form slightly, and also lack of rotation with the curves. 

if you struggle with sausages try and ghost them out, or perhaps even dot out certain areas as a point of reference. the mistakes i mentioned are to be expected and can be improved on with practice.

texture ann:

good job, here no attempts at secondary colours, paying attention to shapes and patterns. it's good however not great, let me point out why. 

1. the textures look rather simplified, rarely ever are textures "straight" typically they are a little wobbly consisting of a macro shape and a secondary micro shape on top of them, all of your textures look a lot more like "patterns" than "textures" that is not what we are after, second of all the transition from sparce to dense is a little heavy on one side, it's almost half of it is completely white, 

reminder that lines begin to "fade" as they reach to the sparce areas, the transition is to be seamless as is shown [here](https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/7d1f3467.jpg). i also disagree with the fact that you neglected to include the ribs for the second panel, ideally it would have been included. paying attention to shape is great, but also think why that shape is formed and how the shadows are formed. the first panel is not great, the second panel is well done. however the third panel is a little off, i will demo how it can be improved it out [here](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/823181500244688916/1138025968011845653/image.png?width=1687&height=1482) 

sausage textures:

these are also unfortunately not great, there is too much focus on out lines, and plenty of the textures neglect to [wrap around the form](https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/e58b7887.jpg), but good job on breaking the silhuette. luckily i myself did some similar textures, [this](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/749221026507784295/1138449785527996527/image.png?width=2340&height=1482) is how i'd personally draw them, i include this as a point of reference. 

focus less on the outlines, think a lot more about cast shadows, and avoid simplifying the forms to straight lines, there are exceptions . another thing, we are focusing on "form" spesifically, neglecting colour all together, imagine if the entire surface of an object was made out of concrete, i remind this as the steak, woven basket and brick wall textures all utilize the black as a way to colour as opposed to show form as they are to be done. 

this exercise will take plenty of time, perhaps longer than the box challange, it is also very mentally taxing, reminder that this lesson takes time, and everyone has a different pace, avoid expecting to just gain something by finishing am exercise, there is much to be learnt, and learning takes time and patience. please avoid rushing the work, and take as much time required to finish it. i also reccomend that you revisit the exercise page and go through the youtube video once again, ideally, on normal speed, with no fastforward/skipping.

form intersections:

well done, shapes are overall interconnected and not grouped up, however the overlap for the last few are very minimal, it's okay and even good to have and try to have the forms overlap upon one another. also please remember to draw through the ellipses twice or thrice, this rule applies to every ellipse drawn unless specified otherwise. but other than that, lines are confident, forms are drawn step by step, and the forms are generally equalateral. good job

organic intersections:

these aren't great, the forms do not feel as if they slump over one another, the cast shadows made are also incorrectly done, they are to wrap around the form under them and only to be drawn on top of other forms, as do shadows, and as is shown [here](https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/516f8d4f.jpg). the curves are also to [curve around](https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/77f2ca1c.jpg) the form itself as does in a normal sausage form. i reccomend revisiting the site and video for this exercise. be sure that the forms are drawn through, due to the amount of shadows on the page i am unable to fully tell if the forms are drawn through or not. it is okay for the form to wrap around and behind another form, i see that a lot of the forms in the submission only lie infront of the form under it.


i apologise but i cannot confidently say that the submission fullfills the requirement to move on to the next lesson, the issue mostly lie in the organic intersections and the sausage textures, the mistakes made are too major. i ask for revisions if the revision shows that there might be a lack of understanding, obviously this can be improved upon, mostly by revisiting the exercise pages and videos.