Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
4:02 PM, Thursday January 19th 2023
I apologize for posting again, the first post I forgot to add my reddit, but I don't know how to edit or delete the first post >_
Hello! I’ll be doing your critique today.
Superimposed lines
The lines are slightly wobbly and frayed at the end too, better on the second page.
Ghosted lines
Your lines aren’t very confident here either, make sure to ghost your lines and rotate your page as much as you need before making a smooth stroke.
Ghosted planes and Ellipses in planes
The lines have improved, and you’re looping the ellipses too, there is little overshooting but it’s very minor, the accuracy is very good but at this point in time try to keep your line smoother than accurate. I’ll talk about the second page since you have improved a lot from the first, there is only slight overshooting or undershooting but it’s mostly all good!
Table of Ellipses
You didn’t loop a lot of the ellipses on the first page but the second is fine. The overshooting is a little more noticeable. You’ll get better with practise.
You’re doing better with the strokes and the funnels appear well-made. I’d say the smallest one on the top right is the best, smooth lines, nice placement.
Plotted Perspective Boxes
You followed the instructions correctly. There’s no distortion and the cross hatching is very clean.
Rough Perspective Boxes
The lines are more confident now, it’s a little hard to see what’s happening since the red lines don’t end on the horizon line, but I suppose it’s good enough. You’ll get plenty of practice in the 250-box challenge to get comfortable with boxes
Rotated Boxes
Despite being a difficult exercise, you understood it pretty well! You’ve done a good job rotating the boxes and the overall shape came out quite round.
Organic boxes
Great portrayal of depth! The boxes aren’t rotating much but the variations are great, again the 250 box challenge will help you with this.
Overall, you have done a good job. Don’t forget to use these exercises as a warm-up before drawing. It will improve your lines and perspective further.
Next Steps:
Move onto the 250 Box challenge.
Use Lesson 1 exercises as a warm up (especially the superimposed lines exercise)
Thank you very much for your feedback, I'm doing the 250 box challenge now ^^
Here we're getting into the subjective - Gerald Brom is one of my favourite artists (and a pretty fantastic novelist!). That said, if I recommended art books just for the beautiful images contained therein, my list of recommendations would be miles long.
The reason this book is close to my heart is because of its introduction, where Brom goes explains in detail just how he went from being an army brat to one of the most highly respected dark fantasy artists in the world today. I believe that one's work is flavoured by their life's experiences, and discovering the roots from which other artists hail can help give one perspective on their own beginnings, and perhaps their eventual destination as well.
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