Hey there! Really nice work getting through the whole challenge! 250 boxes is nothing to sneeze at and you show a great deal of improvement over the course of the set, which is great to see!

So, I do want to address your linework here - you have a tendency to let your marks get very feathery! I believe this is because you may be superimposing over them too many times, but you're missing the end point in later marks. This has the effect of weakening the illusion of 3D form in each of your boxes, which is unfortunate, because your convergences show a great deal of improvement. It also draws the eye to the mistakes. What I suggest is going over each line no more than twice to convey line weight, even if you miss on the second one. Resist the urge to go back over a mistake with an additional line because this draws the eye rather than covers it up.

As for your convergences, really nice work here. Your boxes were decent to start, but by the end, it's clear you're experimenting with different levels of foreshortening and you've become more confident with your 3D perspectives. Each set of correction lines becomes more consistent, approaching the VP evenly, with few stray lines. Really good work there!

We link these notes at the end of every challenge as a matter of course. They're some extra notes that may help you improve further, or confirm conclusions you came to during the course of the challenge. What they go over is the angle of each line as they approach the box and how keeping an eye on this relationship could improve your convergences. Also, considering each line in relation to the lines with which it shares a vanishing point rather than the lines with which it shares a plane or a corner could do the same.