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10:15 AM, Sunday May 3rd 2020
edited at 3:12 PM, May 3rd 2020

Thank you for the critique! My corrections are here I feel like the organic intersections were much better although I struggled trying to curve the sausages around the other sausages sometimes. For the organic forms I tried to vary the degrees of the ellipses so that they appear to be moving away/towards a certain direction more, mostly by making them go from smaller to big ellipses when sliding down the form. I also ghosted the forms, ellipses and center lines. Thanks!

edited at 3:12 PM, May 3rd 2020
5:29 PM, Sunday May 3rd 2020

Your organic intersections are definitely improved, although I have reservations about your organic forms with contour lines. Add to that the fact that you submitted your revisions in under 24 hours - while that doesn't necessarily mean anything bad on its own, it does often make me suspicious that a student may not be spending as much time as they could on each page, hammering to get everything done in a single session.

Your results there still show similar issues with accuracy and control of your contour lines. If you're perhaps uncertain of how much you should be pacing yourself when approaching this exercise, take a look at this video from ScyllaStew.

You can see there that she has some accuracy issues here and there too, so I'm not at all expecting perfect work, try and match the sort of patient, purposeful pacing with which she works through each individual mark.

Before I mark this lesson as complete, I'd like you to do just one more organic form with contour ellipses, and one more with contour curves. That's a total of just two sausage forms, so make sure you take as much time as you need to draw each mark as well as you can.

Next Steps:

Two more sausage forms - one with contour ellipses, one with contour curves.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
6:31 PM, Sunday May 3rd 2020
edited at 6:52 PM, May 3rd 2020

Hello, thanks for the critique again, I wasn't intentionally rushing through the exercises (as I have loads of time on my hands) although admittedly I felt I was going too fast through one page. I spent the last 35 mins on these pages sorry if they still have the error, i've spent ages today trying to perfect them but still can't get it right. Thanks!

EDIT: Sorry I've just looked at the next steps again and it said two more sausage forms, not two more pages. Sorry, i'll do those as well

edited at 6:52 PM, May 3rd 2020
7:12 PM, Sunday May 3rd 2020

Yeah, the point was for you to just focus your time on doing two sausages. It's entirely possible not to intentionally rush through things, but to still be doing it, and you're definitely showing a lot of those signs (missing aspects of instructions as they're laid out, for example).

Slow down. Breathe. Think and plan before each and every stroke. I look forward to seeing your additional 2 sausages.

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