Hi Nobody. Welcome to Drawabox, and congratulations on completing the first lesson. Since the Lesson is split into three parts, I'll deliver my critique in the same way, starting with...


I'm seeing a little bit of wobbling and arcing in your early Superimposed Lines, but these both improve as you go along, and by the time you get to your ghosted planes the lines are looking a lot more confident. I still see the tiniest bit of arcing here and there, so if you notice this happening in future work try aiming for a line that curves in the opposite direction to cancel it out, but overall this is very good. What's less encouraging is that there's some fraying at both ends of your Superimposed Lines, and this actually worsens over time. Our focus is on confidence over accuracy, but the starting point of a line is something you have full control over, so we really shoulding see fraying at those ends. Still, you performed very well in this section overall; you have been properly plotting your lines out and drawing through mistakes rather than trying to redo things, so you're applying the approach as instructed, and there is definite improvement as you go.


Your ellipses are nice and smooth, which means you're drawing with confidence, and that's very good. It would have been good to see less overlap between ellipses and ellipses spilling out of their boxes in the Tables of Ellipses, but this too shows some improvement over time (though not so strongly as your overall line quality has). Dilligent practice is the only solution here; use these exercises to warm up and you'll develop the right kind of control over time. Your Funnels have room for a little bit of improvement in how exactly the minor axes bisect the ellipses and how clear the change from wide to narrow ellipses is, but these are minor refinements and the overall quality is quite high.


You've followed the instructions properly on your Plotted Perspective exercise and produced good work. Your Rough Perspective is looking okay but the line quality isn't as good as you've produced elsewhere. Remember to fully ghost out every mark even on longer exercises. It would also help to take a little more care over placing the corners of each box; remember each side should be either parallel or perpendicular to the horizon line. You have made proper use of the correction method, though, so good work there. Your Rotated Boxes are looking good, though some of what I've already said about line quality applies, and it would have been nice to see some hatching lines on the sides that are visible but not directly facing the viewer, just for a touch more visual clarity. There is also just obe face that hasn't rotated properly (in the top left corner) but the fact that it's just one on an exercise that is intentionally challenging is actually quite encouraging. Lastly, you Organic Perspective exercise is looking fairly good as well. Adding some extra line weight with ghosted lines where boxes overlap to make the front one pop out a bit more would have been good, but the core skills are one display, you have avoided any dramatic forshortening, and your perspective is quite good for this stage (though you'll learn more about how to improve it as the lessons go on.)

Overall this is all looking quite satisfactory, and as long as you keep up your practice you should see your results steadily improve. I think you're ready for the next step/