Hi there! Your friendly neighborhood Farwoode swinging in here to offer up some critique. Nice work on completing lesson 1. Let’s go over some concepts for review.


The superimposed lines are fraying on both ends. Fraying is expected at your end point, but fraying at the beginning suggests you aren’t taking the time to position your pen at your starting point, and that you’re either going through without consciously thinking about the marks you’re making, or you’re just not focusing on where you’re putting your pen down. Drawing confidently is the goal, and part of that goal is making sure you’re being conscious about where your pen is going down at the start of your mark consistently.

In your ghosted lines, we see some wobbly lines, so make sure that you aren’t hesitating when you execute the line, and that you’re drawing with your shoulder and not your wrist. These lines rely on drawing from your shoulder.


Your tables of ellipses are looking nice! Good job on focusing on drawing through the ellipses, and it looks like you drew through each ellipse. Accuracy is built over time with this exercise.

In your ellipses in planes exercise, a few of your ellipses wobble out trying to touch all four sides. We want to prioritize smooth ellipses, without it being bumpy or wobbly. We also see your lines are wobbling on your plane edges. A wobbly line suggests you’re hesitating and not giving up control when you make the mark.


Your plotted perspective looks good.

In the rough perspective method, there are two big things. The slanted lines on your boxes. All of your horizontal lines should be parallel to the horizon line and all of the verticals should be perpendicular (straight up and down) to the horizon lines. Also, please refer to: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/16/step6 Step 6 states we do not plot the red lines back to the VP, like you did, but to the horizon line, which is the line running across your page. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/16/plottinglines

Good work so far.