Hi MechaCatFish, welcome to Draw a Box!

Before we start, reading what you said on this lesson I want you to clarify that everything said here is meant to help you develop further so at times it may seem like Im being a little hard on some topics but remember that it is all directed to your work and not meant to be taken personal!

That said, lets start!

Starting out by your superimposed lines, it seems like you are taking your time ghosting them and overall you are doing a good job, once thing that caught my eye though in your first page of this exercise is that some of your grpup of lines are fraying on both ends, remember to always take your time positioning the pen where you want it to start after your ghost them since its the last step of the mark making process where you have total control of your pen. Your ghosted lines look decent, some of them are pretty confident and some not so much- Remember that whenever you are drawing any kind of mark in this course (lines, curves, ellipses, ect) your priority should always be to make them as confident as you can, while accuracy will come with time adn practice, confidence comes only with mindful practice and applying the ghosting method.

On to your ellipses, tehy look like you started focusing too much on accuracy at the start of this section, though you did some pretty smooth and confident ellipses. Again, focus on creating a smooth and confident looking ellipse over an accuracte one, if you watch closely at your ellipses on planes, you are falling in a very common mistake where you are deforming them so they can fit on the planes. As I said this is not our focus here, so remember to always take your time ghoting your lines and striving to make them look confident. This also happened in your table of ellipses and your funnels, though much less. Taking about your funnels, remember to align your ellipses to their minor axis!

Moving on to your boxes, Im sorry for repeating this so much but its important that you drill it into your brain, but your main issue was line quality, though it is normal that when students get to this stage of the lesson they get a little too focus on the perspective and forget to apply the ghosting method. So, again, remember to always focus on confidence over accuracy, you cant build a confident box without confident lines. All this said, your rough perspective is looking pretty good, and you also did a really solid job on your rotated boxes, it is a hard exercise and you did great on it. The only two things that I want to say about it is that you rotated the boxes on the corners maybe too fast and you could have added some line weight to make everything more clear. Looking at your organic perspective I dont really see you making too much mistakes in there, yeah there are some perspective realted issues, but you will have plenty of time to practice in the 250 box challenge ;). The thing that did called my attention is that you aer sometimes doing very curved lines, this shows that you are probably not using your whole shoulder to draw them, instead you are using more of your elbow, keep an eye on this!

I want to say that Im really glad that you decided to post your work in here because you are showing some pretty solid work in here and it would really be a shame if you were to drag the line quality issue on to further lessons. So, again remember that the whole purpose of critiques is to help you see the issues that you are not able to see because you are too close to your work and improve on them!

All this said, I think you did a pretty solid job on this lesson overall, just remember to take your time ghosting your lines. Im gonna go ahead and mark this lesson as completed! Keep up the good work.