Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction
4:40 PM, Friday October 20th 2023
I struggled with understanding form intersections so for some I had to use a few references. I also struggled with the paper texture alot.
Hi, I’ll be grading your homework today:
Organic Arrows:
First off, your lines are smooth and flow well through space. Good job with that. I see you also tried adding like weight, but that was a bit inconsistent. Sometimes it’s there, other times not. You’re also applying it to entire lines instead of just where one line crosses over another. Be careful with that. For the most part, your edges do crossover one another (nice), but a few of your arrows don’t towards where the arrow head is, which flattens them. Also, you’re not applying much perspective to most of your arrows. Some have it, but most don’t really have the feeling that they’re 3D. I think it’s because the smaller, farther away parts of the arrows aren’t much smaller than the larger, closer parts.
I’d recommend doing these again.
Organic Forms:
Contour Ellipses: Your sausage forms have these breaks along their length, as if you stopped drawing them and then started again. Remember to draw from the shoulder so you can make a nice, long and even stroke. Your ellipses are drawn through like we’re supposed to though, so that’s good. I will say they’re not turning in space as much as they should be. Remember, ellipses get more circular as they face us directly and narrower as they turn away from us, until eventually they just look like a line and start rounding out again. That’s really important, so I’d recommend doing these again too.
Contour Curves: Your contour curves look awesome though. They arc and hook around the sausage form like they’re supposed to. Nice.
Texture Analysis:
These look great! Paper could’ve used some better transitioning from dark to light, but that’s a tough texture I haven’t really seen anyone (including myself) do super well. Your bark and water droplets are FANTASTIC though. Love the water droplets. Haven’t seen anyone do that as a texture before.
Dissections: These look really good too. Most everything looks exactly like what you say it is, especially that strawberry! You you made the textures wrap around the sausage form as it should in 3D and you broke away from the silhouette to help sell it for the most part as well. You weren’t sure about the metal, but I did the exact same thing on my homework too lol. Good job on this part.
Form Intersections: Your lines look a bit dark, like you went over them a few times to try and clean them up. Don’t do it, it just makes them look messier. Uncomfortable also told us not to use stretched forms, but I assume that’s why your homework started with a page of these instead of the arrows immediately. Uncomfortable expects us to struggle with this, so don’t worry too much about how right you get this. Be careful about how you use line weight. It’s just to mark where the intersections are happening, not for the entire line. Was that what you were trying to do with the extra dark lines? He also wants us to cover the whole page, which you started to do towards the fourth page. Add some more shapes to these and you’ll be fine because, honestly, your dissections are probably some of the best I’ve seen. Certainly better than mine. Make sure you add some more pyramids too; I see very few of those. Overall, not bad at all though.
Organic Intersections: Your sausage forms look nice. They’re short and simple with shadows that wrap around the forms underneath like they’re supposed to. But I will say this: Too many are parallel to one another and not enough flop over each other width-wise. I recommend doing one more page of these with that in mind. I think your problem there is that you add shadows to parts that are supposed to be on the other side of the form, so it brings them to the front. Leave the parts that we aren’t supposed to see un-detailed.
And we’re done here just about. I recommend trying another page of Organic Arrows, Organic Forms with ellipses, adding to your dissection pages with more equilateral forms like Uncomfortable wanted, and one more page of Organic Intersections with the changes I asked for. Good luck
Not sure if it posted my reply or not ????
I guess not, I think I accidently cancelled instead of sending xD
You hit the report button instead of reply.
Oh im so sorry :-: and thanks for letting me know
I'll make a new reply just to be sure
Organic arrows: I didn't really understand where to add lineweight, i thought it was for the line/side closest to the viewer and now looking back I agree there isn't much perspective.
Organic forms: I did use my shoulder I just kept missing the end line xD and the ellipses im having some trouble with the perspectives.
Texture: I was a difficult task but I enjoyed it at the same time! The paper was very difficult made me want to give up and I also like the strawberry texture (it was one of my favourites)
Form intersections: I tried to add some lineweight but, as you said, I think I did It too much (this is another think I have a hard time with)
Organic intersections: I did notice (only when i finished) I added shadows to the parts that were supposed to be behind.
Thanks for your critique and honesty, I'll give them another go!
https://imgur.com/a/NS6S3K1 here are my retries, I realised when doing the form intersections I made the cylinder and Cone way to big ti begin with :-: and the organic the first 2 look messy because I forgot we were supposed to do contour lines instead of ellipses.
Oh, wow. First off, I'm sorry I didn't respond as quickly as I could have. I'm used to waiting a while for responses, but I really should check every day. Especially given you finished my recommendations near instantly lol.
I see HUGE improvements in everything. Your arrows are absolotely gorgeous from their line weight to their flow through space. And they change size with distance too. Nice, I even like the way you hatched near the folds in them.
The organic forms with ellipses look great too. The forms are closed and the ellipses change in degree like theyre supposed to.
Dissections still look great. The shapes being huge isn't an issue. Hey, I did it myself in order to cut down on time too. As long as your shapes intersect with it correctly, it's fine. They still look great and so does the heavier line weight around the intersections.
Your organic intersections also look very good too with the recommended changes. The roughness of the ellipses inside isn't a big deal. You understood the point of the exercise.
You get a pass from me. Good luck and God bless, my friend
Next Steps:
Continue to the next lesson
No need to apologise for replying 'late' we all have our own stuff to do so it's no bother :)
Thank you for all your help and kindness
This recommendation is really just for those of you who've reached lesson 6 and onwards.
I haven't found the actual brand you buy to matter much, so you may want to shop around. This one is a "master" template, which will give you a broad range of ellipse degrees and sizes (this one ranges between 0.25 inches and 1.5 inches), and is a good place to start. You may end up finding that this range limits the kinds of ellipses you draw, forcing you to work within those bounds, but it may still be worth it as full sets of ellipse guides can run you quite a bit more, simply due to the sizes and degrees that need to be covered.
No matter which brand of ellipse guide you decide to pick up, make sure they have little markings for the minor axes.
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