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9:28 PM, Saturday January 4th 2025

Hello, Thank you for your critique.

As such, I've redid the Organic Intersections exercise after watching the videos and observing the sausages. My revision homework is given in the link

Thank you so much for your critique again. I hope the revision is fine.

4:31 PM, Sunday January 5th 2025

Hey Vega, I'm happy to see that your cast shadows look much better here, wrapping around the contour of the form below. It's clear you're thinking about the placement of each sausage with the concept of gravity in mind. One last tip: keep that sag consistent on both ends of the sausage. Hugging the mass contours as much as possible will help support the illusion of mass.

Line confidence still presents as an obstacle to overcome. From your arrows, it's evident you are capable of achieving smooth lines. It might be beneficial to adjust some techniques, like the speed of your arm motion, but I'm sure you'll improve as the exercise gets more comfortable to complete during warm-ups.

All in all, I think you understand the Lesson 2 concepts well, so I’ll go ahead and send you off to Lesson 3. Keep up the good work.

Next Steps:

Remember to take these exercises into your warm-ups (10–15 minutes), and you can move on towards Lesson 3. Good Luck!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
4:32 PM, Sunday January 5th 2025

Thank you so much for your critique! I'll keep this in mind moving forward

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Steven Zapata's Secrets of Shading

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