250 Box Challenge

4:30 AM, Monday April 3rd 2023

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/ZNOnOn4.jpg

Finally got this one down, it was done on and off so it took much longer than it should. Onwards I will try to remain consistent. Thanks in advance for reviewing my homework.

2 users agree
9:01 PM, Sunday April 23rd 2023

Hi, there! Congratz on completely the dreadful but so-worth-it 250 box challenge! Completion on this first basic challenge shows that you strive for excellence and are dedicated to learning how to draw. I applaud you! Now let's see how you did:

What you did great on

  • All lines have a straight, confident flow. Great job at not forgetting this fundamental step!

  • Extension lines are in the right direction.

  • Boxes have different orientations, indicating you are not afraid to experiment.

  • Throughout the challenge, all your lines are eventually converging.

  • Inner corners look pretty decent.

  • Followed all instructions, even the optional cross-hatching!

Great work!

What you can improve on

  • Your cross-hatching lines are overshooting or undershooting a lot. This indicates to me you have not plotted your points and followed the ghosted method before executing. If so, do not ever ignore this crucial, fundamental step, and please do your cross-hatching with more care from now on.

  • Your line weight is inconsistent, even until the end of the challenge. All your lines around the silhouette of the boxes have one or two lines that's thicker than the rest. Some lines look like they were skipped entirely while you were adding line weight. And some of your executions on light weight look like they go off course and create a second line, instead of going completely on top of the initial line. Please do your line weight with more care from now on.

  • Although we are freehanding these boxes, please do keep in mind that your lines should converge into one point, and not pairs. But I know no one can be perfect at this.

You weren't perfect, but that is totally okay! No one is perfect. What's important is now you have gained a big piece of the puzzle when it comes to 3D space. I will mark your submission as complete. Please wait for 2 agrees to earn your 250 box challenge completion badge.

Next Steps:

Your 50%, 10-15 min warmups on lesson 1 and box exercises, and onwards to lesson 2!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
9:18 AM, Saturday April 29th 2023

Thanks you for your critique! The lineweight is really tricky for me, thanks you for pointing that out!

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